The paper presents an analysis of mixed-mode fatigue crack growth in bridge steel after 100-years operating time. Experiments were carried out under mode I + II configuration on Compact Tension Shear (CTS) specimens and mode I + III on rectangular specimens with lateral stress concentrator under bending and torsion loading type. Due to the lack of accurate Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) solutions, the crack path was modelled with the finite element method according to its experimental observation. As a result, the Kinetic Fatigue Fracture Diagrams (KFFD) were constructed. Due to the change in the tendency of higher fatigue crack growth rates from K I towards K III dominance for the samples subjected to bending and torsion, it was decided to analyze this phenomenon in detail using electron-scanning microscopy. The fractographic analysis was carried out for specimens subjected to I + III crack loading mode. The mechanism of crack growth in old bridge steel at complex loads was determined and analyzed.