In this paper we confront the next-to-leading order (NLO) CGC/saturation approach of Ref. [1] with the experimental combined HERA data and obtain its parameters. The model includes two features that are in accordance with our theoretical knowledge of deep inelastic scattering. These consist of: \(i\)) the use of analytical solution for the non-linear Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) evolution equation and \(ii\)) the exponential behavior of the saturation momentum on the impact parameter \(b\)-dependence, characterized by \(Q_s\) \(\propto\exp( -m b )\) which reproduce the correct behaviour of the scattering amplitude at large \(b\) in accord with Froissart theorem. The model results are then compared to data at small-x for the structure function of the proton \(F_{2}\), the longitudinal structure function \(F_{L}\), the charm structure function \(F_2^{c\bar{c}}\), the exclusive vector meson (\(J/\psi,\phi,\rho\)) production and Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS). We obtain a good agreement for the processes in a wide kinematic range of \(Q^2\) at small \(x\). Our results provide a strong guide for finding an approach, based on Color Glass Condensate/saturation effective theory for high energy QCD, to make reliable predictions from first principles as well as for forthcoming experiments like the Electron-Ion Collider and the LHeC.