Translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP) is a ubiquitously distributed protein in eukaryotes, involved in the regulation of several processes, including cell cycle progression, cell growth, stress protection, apoptosis and maintenance of genomic integrity. Its expression is induced during the early stages of tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum) infection by the potyvirus Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV, a close relative of Potato virus Y). Tomato TCTP is a protein of 168 amino acids, which contains all the conserved domains of the TCTP family. To study the effects of TCTP silencing in PepYMV infection, Nicotiana benthamiana plants were silenced by virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS) and transgenic tomato plants silenced for TCTP were obtained. In the early stages of infection, both tomato and N. benthamiana silenced plants accumulated less virus than control plants. Transgenic tomato plants showed a drastic reduction in symptoms and no viral accumulation at 14 days post‐inoculation. Subcellular localization of TCTP was determined in healthy and systemically infected N. benthamiana leaves. TCTP was observed in both the nuclei and cytoplasm of non‐infected cells, but only in the cytoplasm of infected cells. Our results indicate that TCTP is a growth regulator necessary for successful PepYMV infection and that its localization is altered by the virus, probably to favour the establishment of virus infection. A network with putative interactions that may occur between TCTP and Arabidopsis thaliana proteins was built. This network brings together experimental data of interactions that occur in other eukaryotes and helps us to discuss the possibilities of TCTP involvement in viral infection.