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      Effect of a mobile phone-based intervention on post-abortion contraception: a randomized controlled trial in Cambodia Translated title: Effet d'une intervention par téléphone portable sur la contraception après avortement: essai contrôlé randomisé au Cambodge Translated title: El efecto de una intervención basada en la telefonía móvil en los métodos anticonceptivos postaborto: un ensayo controlado aleatorizado en Camboya Translated title: تأثير التدخل القائم على الهاتف الجوّال على موانع الحمل بعد الإجهاض: تجربة معشاة مضبطة بالشواهد في كمبوديا Translated title: 基于手机的干预对流产后避孕的效果:柬埔寨的一项随机对照试验 Translated title: Рандомизированное контролируемое исследование влияния медицинского обслуживания, проводимого с помощью мобильной связи, на постабортную контрацепцию, проведенное в Камбодже


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          To assess the effect of a mobile phone-based intervention (mHealth) on post-abortion contraception use by women in Cambodia.


          The Mobile Technology for Improved Family Planning (MOTIF) study involved women who sought safe abortion services at four Marie Stopes International clinics in Cambodia. We randomly allocated 249 women to a mobile phone-based intervention, which comprised six automated, interactive voice messages with counsellor phone support, as required, whereas 251 women were allocated to a control group receiving standard care. The primary outcome was the self-reported use of an effective contraceptive method, 4 and 12 months after an abortion.


          Data on effective contraceptive use were available for 431 (86%) participants at 4 months and 328 (66%) at 12 months. Significantly more women in the intervention than the control group reported effective contraception use at 4 months (64% versus 46%, respectively; relative risk, RR: 1.39; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.17–1.66) but not at 12 months (50% versus 43%, respectively; RR: 1.16; 95% CI: 0.92–1.47). However, significantly more women in the intervention group reported using a long-acting contraceptive method at both follow-up times. There was no significant difference between the groups in repeat pregnancies or abortions at 4 or 12 months.


          Adding a mobile phone-based intervention to abortion care services in Cambodia had a short-term effect on the overall use of any effective contraception, while the use of long-acting contraceptive methods lasted throughout the study period.



          Évaluer l'effet d'une intervention par téléphone portable (santé sur mobile) sur l’utilisation de méthodes contraceptives après un avortement par les femmes au Cambodge.


          L'étude MOTIF (Mobile Technology for Improved Family Planning – Technologie mobile pour une meilleure planification familiale) a mobilisé des femmes ayant eu recours à des services d'avortement médicalisé dans quatre cliniques Marie Stopes International du Cambodge. Nous avons aléatoirement affecté 249 femmes au groupe bénéficiant d'une intervention par téléphone portable, laquelle comprenait six messages vocaux automatisés et interactifs et, au besoin, l'assistance téléphonique d'un conseiller, et 251 femmes au groupe de contrôle recevant une prise en charge standard. Le critère d'évaluation principal était l'utilisation autodéclarée d'une méthode contraceptive efficace, 4 et 12 mois après un avortement.


          Les données relatives à l'utilisation de contraceptifs efficaces étaient disponibles pour 431 (86%) participantes à 4 mois et pour 328 (66%) à 12 mois. Les femmes appartenant au groupe ayant bénéficié de l’intervention sont beaucoup plus nombreuses que les femmes du groupe de contrôle à avoir mentionné l'utilisation de contraceptifs efficaces à 4 mois (64% pour les premières contre 46% pour les secondes; risque relatif, RR: 1,39; intervalle de confiance, IC, à 95%: 1,17-1,66), ce qui n’est pas le cas à 12 mois (50% contre 43%; RR: 1,16; IC à 95%: 0,92-1,47). Cependant, un nombre beaucoup plus élevé de femmes ayant bénéficié de l’intervention a indiqué avoir utilisé une méthode contraceptive à long terme sur ces deux périodes de suivi. Aucune différence notable n'a été constatée entre les deux groupes concernant des grossesses ou des avortements répétés à 4 ou 12 mois.


          L'adjonction d'une intervention par téléphone portable aux services de soins après avortement au Cambodge a produit un effet à court terme sur l'utilisation générale de contraceptifs efficaces, tandis que l'utilisation de méthodes contraceptives à long terme s'est poursuivie tout au long de la période d'étude.



          Evaluar el efecto de una intervención basada en la telefonía móvil (mHealth) en el uso de métodos anticonceptivos postaborto entre las mujeres de Camboya.


          El estudio Mobile Technology for Improved Family Planning (MOTIF) involucró a mujeres que recurrieron a servicios de aborto seguros en cuatro clínicas Marie Stopes International de Camboya. Se asignaron de forma aleatoria 249 mujeres a una intervención basada en la telefonía móvil que consistía en seis mensajes de voz interactivos y automatizados y el apoyo de un asesor a través del teléfono, cuando fuera necesario, y 251 mujeres a un grupo de control que recibía atención estándar. El resultado principal fue el uso autodeclarado de un método anticonceptivo efectivo 4 y 12 meses después de sufrir un aborto.


          Los datos sobre el uso efectivo de los métodos anticonceptivos estuvieron disponibles al cabo de 4 meses en el caso de 431 (86%) de las participantes y al cabo de 12 meses en el caso de 328 (66%). Significativamente más mujeres del grupo de la intervención que del grupo de control informaron de un uso efectivo de los métodos anticonceptivos al cabo de 4 meses (64% frente a 46% respectivamente; riesgo relativo, RR: 1,39; intervalo de confianza (IC) del 95%: 1,17–1,66) pero no al cabo de 12 meses (50% frente a 43% respectivamente; RR: 1,16 (IC del 95%: 0,92–1,47). Sin embargo, más mujeres del grupo de la intervención informaron sobre el uso de métodos anticonceptivos de larga duración en los dos momentos del seguimiento. No hubo una diferencia importante entre los grupos en cuanto a embarazos futuros o abortos al cabo de 4 o 12 meses.


          Añadir una intervención basada en la telefonía móvil a los servicios de atención al aborto en Camboya tuvo un efecto a corto plazo en el uso general de cualquier método anticonceptivo efectivo, mientras que el uso de métodos anticonceptivos a largo plazo perduró a lo largo de todo el periodo de estudio.



          تقييم تأثير التدخل القائم على الهاتف الجوّال (mHealth) على استخدام النساء لموانع الحمل بعد الإجهاض في كمبوديا.


          تضمنت دراسة استخدام تكنولوجيا الهاتف الجوّال لتحسين تنظيم الأسرة (‏MOTIF‏) النساء اللاتي سعين إلى الحصول على خدمات الإجهاض الآمن في أربع من عيادات "ماري ستوبس الدولية" في كمبوديا. ولقد قمنا بتخصيص 249 امرأة على نحو عشوائي لإجراء التدخل القائم على الهاتف الجوّال، الذي يتألف من ست رسائل صوتية آلية وتفاعلية مع خدمة الدعم الهاتفي للمرشد العلاجي، عند الضرورة، في حين تم تخصيص 251 امرأة إلى مجموعة شاهدة تتلقى مستوى معياريًا من الرعاية. وكانت المحصلة الأساسية هي الإبلاغ الذاتي عن استخدام وسيلة فعالة لمنع الحمل بعد مرور 4 شهور و12 شهرًا من الإجهاض.


          توفرت البيانات عن استخدام موانع الحمل الفعالة لعدد 431 من المشاركات (بنسبة 86%) بعد مرور 4 شهور و328 من المشاركات (بنسبة 66%) بعد مرور 12 شهرًا. وبشكل ملحوظ، قامت الكثير من النساء المشاركات في مجموعات التدخل عن النساء المشاركات في المجموعة الشاهدة بالإبلاغ عن استخدام موانع حمل فعالة بعد مرور 4 شهور (بنسبة 64% مقابل 46%، على التوالي؛ الاختطار النسبي: 1.39؛ بنسبة أرجحية مقدارها 95%: 1.17–1.66) ولكن ليس بعد مرور 12 شهرًا (بنسبة 50% مقابل 43%، على التوالي؛ الاختطار النسبي: 1.16؛ بنسبة أرجحية مقدارها 95%: 0.92–1.47). ومع ذلك، أبلغت الكثير من النساء المشاركات في مجموعة التدخل عن استخدام وسيلة لمنع الحمل طويلة المفعول في كلٍ من المرتين اللتين تمت فيهما المتابعة. لم يكن هناك فرق كبير بين المجموعتين في حالات الحمل أو الإجهاض المتكررة بعد مرور 4 شهور أو 12 شهرًا.


          أدت إضافة التدخل القائم على الهاتف الجوّال إلى خدمات الرعاية بعد الإجهاض في كمبوديا إلى تحقيق تأثير قصير الأجل على الاستخدام العام لأي موانع حمل فعالة، في حين استمر استخدام وسائل منع الحمل طويلة المفعول طوال فترة الدراسة.





          面向在柬埔寨的四家玛丽斯特普国际组织 (Marie Stopes International) 下属诊所中寻求安全流产服务的女性,展开改善计划生育的移动技术 (MOTIF) 研究。我们随机分配 249 位女性进行基于手机的干预,其包括带有顾问电话支持的 6 个自动化、交互式语音信息,而另外 251 位女性被分配至对照组,接受标准治疗。主要结果为,流产后 4 和 12 个月时自报有效避孕方法的使用情况。


          4 个月时,431 位参与者 (86%) 获得有效避孕的使用数据,12 个月时为 328 位 (66%)。4 个月时,报告有效避孕的女性中,参与干预的女性明显超出对照组(64% 比 46%;相对风险率 RR: 1.39;95% 置信区间 CI:1.17-1.66),但 12 个月时却有所不同(分别为 50% 比 43%,相对风险率 RR:1.16;95% 置信区间 CI:0.92–1.47). 然而,在后续两个时间点,干预组中报告使用长效避孕方法的女性明显更多。4 个月或 12 个月时,两组中再次怀孕或流产的人数没有显著差异。





          Оценить влияние мероприятий здравоохранения, проводимых с помощью мобильной связи (mHealth), на применение способов постабортной контрацепции женщинами, проживающими в Камбодже.


          В исследовании «Применение мобильных технологий для усовершенствованного планирования семьи» (MOTIF)  приняли участие женщины, желающие пройти процедуру безопасного аборта в четырех клиниках Marie Stopes International, Камбоджа. 249 женщин были случайным образом распределены в группу, в которой медицинское обслуживание проводилось посредством мобильной связи и включало возможность отправки шести автоматизированных интерактивных голосовых сообщений с поддержкой телефонной связи с консультантом при необходимости, а 251 женщина была распределена в контрольную группу, в которой участники получали медицинское обслуживание стандартным способом. Первичным результатом являлось применение эффективного способа контрацепции через 4 и 12 месяцев после аборта, о чем участницы сообщали самостоятельно.


          Данные о применении эффективного способа контрацепции были получены для 431 (86%) участницы через 4 месяца и для 328 (66%) участниц через 12 месяцев. Число женщин, сообщивших о применении эффективного способа контрацепции через 4 месяца, было больше в группе, в которой проводилось обслуживание посредством мобильной связи, чем в контрольной группе (64 против 46% соответственно, относительный риск, ОР: 1,39; 95% доверительный интервал, ДИ: 1,17–1,66), но через 12 месяцев был получен другой результат (50 против 43% соответственно, ОР: 1,16; 95% ДИ: 0,92–1,47). Тем не менее в каждый из двух контрольных моментов времени послеоперационного наблюдения число женщин в группе проведения исследуемого мероприятия, сообщивших о применении способа контрацепции длительного действия, преобладало. Что касается числа повторных беременностей или абортов через 4 или 12 месяцев, значимой разницы между двумя группами выявлено не было.


          Добавление медицинского обслуживания посредством мобильной связи в рамки медицинской помощи при аборте в Камбодже оказало краткосрочное влияние на общее применение какого-либо эффективного способа контрацепции, в то время как способы контрацепции длительного действия применялись в течение всего исследования.

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          Mobile phone text messaging for promoting adherence to antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV infection.

          More than 34 million people are presently living with HIV infection. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) can help these people to live longer, healthier lives, but adherence to ART can be difficult. Mobile phone text-messaging has the potential to help promote adherence in these patients. To determine whether mobile phone text-messaging is efficacious in enhancing adherence to ART in patients with HIV infection. Using the Cochrane Collaboration's validated search strategies for identifying randomised controlled trials and reports of HIV interventions, along with appropriate keywords and MeSH terms, we searched a range of electronic databases, including the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), EMBASE, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), MEDLINE (via PubMed), PsycINFO, Web of Science, and the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Index Medicus. The date range was from  01 January 1980 to 01 November 2011. There were no limits to language or publication status. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in which patients or their caregivers (in the case of infants and children) of any age, in any setting, and receiving ART were provided with mobile phone text messages as a means of promoting adherence to ART. Two authors independently examined the abstracts of all identified trials. We initially identified 243 references. Seventeen full-text articles were closely reviewed. Both authors abstracted data independently, using a pre-designed, standardised data collection form. When appropriate, data were combined in meta-analysis. Two RCTs from Kenya were included in the review. One trial compared short weekly text messages against standard care. The other trial compared short daily, long daily, short weekly and long weekly messages against standard care. Both trials were with adult patients.In the trial comparing only short weekly messages to standard care, text messaging was associated with a lower risk of non-adherence at 12 months (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.63 to 0.93) and with the non-occurrence of virologic failure at 12 months (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.99).In the trial that compared different intervals and lengths for text-messaging to standard care, long weekly text-messaging was not significantly associated with a lower risk of non-adherence compared to standard care (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.60 to 1.04). Patients receiving weekly text-messages of any length were at lower risk of non-adherence at 48 weeks than were patients receiving daily messages of any length (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.64 to 0.99). There were no significant differences between weekly text-messaging of any length (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.37) and between short or long messaging at either interval (RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.27). Compared to standard care, any daily text-messaging, whether short or long, did not reduce the risk for non-adherence (RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.20).In meta-analysis of both trials, any weekly text-messaging (i.e. whether short or long messages) was associated with a lower risk of non-adherence at 48-52 weeks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.68 to 0.89). The effect of short weekly text-messaging was also significant (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.89). There is high-quality evidence from the two RCTs that mobile phone text-messaging at weekly intervals is efficacious in enhancing adherence to ART, compared to standard care. There is high quality evidence from one trial that weekly mobile phone text-messaging is efficacious in improving HIV viral load suppression. Policy-makers should consider funding programs proposing to provide weekly mobile phone text-messaging as a means for promoting adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Clinics and hospitals should consider implementing such programs. There is a need for large RCTs of this intervention in adolescent populations, as well as in high-income countries.
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            Mobile Technology for Improved Family Planning (MOTIF): the development of a mobile phone-based (mHealth) intervention to support post-abortion family planning (PAFP) in Cambodia

            Background The objective of this paper is to outline the formative research process used to develop the MOTIF mobile phone-based (mHealth) intervention to support post-abortion family planning in Cambodia. Methods The formative research process involved literature reviews, interviews and focus group discussions with clients, and consultation with clinicians and organisations implementing mHealth activities in Cambodia. This process led to the development of a conceptual framework and the intervention. Results Key findings from the formative research included identification of the main reasons for non-use of contraception and patterns of mobile phone use in Cambodia. We drew on components of existing interventions and behaviour change theory to develop a conceptual framework. A multi-faceted voice-based intervention was designed to address health concerns and other key determinants of contraception use. Conclusions Formative research was essential in order to develop an appropriate mHealth intervention to support post-abortion contraception in Cambodia. Each component of the formative research contributed to the final intervention design. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12978-015-0112-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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              Using daily text-message reminders to improve adherence with oral contraceptives: a randomized controlled trial.

              To estimate whether women receiving daily text-message reminders have increased oral contraceptive pill adherence compared with women not receiving reminders. This randomized controlled trial estimated whether there was an effect of daily text-message reminders on oral contraceptive pill adherence of new oral contraceptive pill users. Pill-taking was tracked for 3 months by an electronic monitoring device with wireless data collection. During the study period, participants assigned the intervention received a daily reminder text message. Eighty-two women were assigned randomly to detect a 1.6+/-2.0 pill difference (90% power, 5% alpha, 15% dropout). Participants were 79% white, non-Hispanic, 99% high school graduates, and 99% nulliparous with a mean age of 22 years. Most reported condom use with past coital activity, and more than half reported prior emergency contraception use. The mean number of missed pills per cycle did not differ significantly between the groups: 4.9+/-3.0 for the text-message group and 4.6+/-3.5 for the control group (P=.60). The number of missed pills per cycle increased over the course of the study, but this pattern did not increase differentially between the groups. Adherence recorded by the electronic monitoring device indicated much poorer adherence than that recorded by patient diaries. Despite poor pill-taking, there were no pregnancies. Daily text-message reminders did not improve oral contraceptive pill adherence. Although the lack of benefit may be attributed to the frequent use of alternative reminder systems in the control group, the rate of missed pills when measured objectively was still very high in both groups. Clinicaltrials.gov, www.clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00733707. I.

                Author and article information

                Bull World Health Organ
                Bull. World Health Organ
                Bulletin of the World Health Organization
                World Health Organization
                01 December 2015
                15 October 2015
                : 93
                : 12
                : 842-850A
                [a ]Department of Population Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, England.
                [b ]Innovations for Poverty Action, New Haven, United States of America.
                [c ]Independent consultant, London, England.
                [d ]Marie Stopes International, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
                Author notes
                Correspondence to Chris Smith (email: christopher.smith@ 123456lshtm.ac.uk ).
                (c) 2015 The authors; licensee World Health Organization.

                This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution IGO License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo/legalcode), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In any reproduction of this article there should not be any suggestion that WHO or this article endorse any specific organization or products. The use of the WHO logo is not permitted. This notice should be preserved along with the article's original URL.

                : 18 June 2015
                : 03 September 2015
                : 16 September 2015


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