Resumen Hasta el último hombre (2016) de Mel Gibson representa perfectamente la brutalidad de la guerra y una de sus contradicciones: aquellos que luchan juntos, pero mientras unos van armados y dispuestos a matar, los otros van desarmados y listos para arrebatar víctimas a la propia muerte. Soldados y sanitarios de primera línea no siempre bien avenidos, pero unidos por las circunstancias bélicas. A través de Hasta el último hombre (2016) y más concretamente estudiando su personaje principal, Desmond Doss, queremos analizar el personal de primera línea de la Sanidad Militar de Euzkadi durante la Guerra Civil española. Saber qué tipo de personal sanitario compartió el campo de batalla, cuáles eran sus funciones e identificar en qué categoría del personal sanitario de Euzkadi se encuadraría Desmond Doss.
Abstract War brutality is perfectly represented by Hacksaw Ridge (2016) by Mel Gibson, as well as one of its contradictions: among those men who fight together, there are some who are armed and ready to kill, whereas others are unarmed and ready to snatch casualties from the death itself. Relations between front line soldiers and healthcare workers were not always harmonius, but they were put together under war circumstances. Through «Hacksaw Ridge», and focusing on its main character, who is called Desmond Doos, we intend to analyze the front line personnel of the military health service of Euzkadi during the Spanish Civil War. Also, we want to identify in which healthcare personnel category Desmond Doss would fit within, which his role would have been, as well as with who other type of health workers he would have shared battlefield.