The pectinase enzymes are involved in several industrial applications, and industrial waste is one of the largest environmental pollutants, so this study aims to Endo-polygalacturonase ( endo-PG) producing using Aspergillus niger AUMC 4156, Penicillium oxalicum AUMC 4153 and P. variotii AUMC 4149 by using some agro-industrial wastes (dried orange peel and sugar beet pulp) as a sole raw carbon source for degradation these waste in the process of urban wastes disposal. The fermentation process was carried out as a submerged culture technique under both shaken and static culture conditions. A. niger AUMC 4156 was the most promising producer of endo-PG under static conditions while P. oxalicum AUMC 4153 was the highest producer of endo-PG under shaken conditions. Sugar beet pulp proved to be the most preferable to orange peel as the only source of carbon in both shaken and static cultures. The medium that encompassing orange peel as a single carbon source afforded the highest protein content with all tested fungal strains in stirred and static cultures in comparison with sugar beet pulp. The highest activity of endo-polygalacuronase that produced using A. niger AUMC 4156 and P. oxalicum AUMC 4153 was achieved by using sugar beet pulp at 3% concentration under static cultures, meanwhile maximal enzyme activity produced by both fungal strains required 2% sugar beet pulp under shaken cultures. Sugar beet pulp showed promised potential as a good inducer for endo-polygalacturoase production, and enzymes production depended on fungal strains, culture medium, and submerged fermentation conditions.