The present study aimed to optimize the phase constituents and mechanical properties of the spark plasma sintered (SPS) Inconel 718 (IN718) alloy. A series of heat treatment routes were designed based on the phase relations in IN718 and performed for the optimization. The microstructure and phase compositions of the SPS IN718 alloys were examined by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The mechanical properties of the samples were characterized at room temperature and at 650 °C. The results showed that large amounts of γ” (Ni 3Nb) and γ’ (Ni 3(Al, Ti)) strengthening phases precipitated in the IN718 alloy after direct aging (DA) of the as-fabricated sample. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the DA sample were comparable to that of the best one of the solution-treated and aged counterparts. The analysis showed that the rapid sintering and solid solution treatment of the IN718 alloy were achieved simultaneously by SPS. In the case of the SPS IN718 material, the direct aging regime had the same heat treatment effect as the conventional solid solution and aging treatment. This contributes toward improving the production efficiency and reduces manufacturing costs in the actual production process.