In plants, the stem cells residing in shoot apical meristems (SAM) give rise to above-ground
tissues (Aichinger et al., 2012). Hence, the maintenance of stem cell niches is of
central importance to a plant's continued growth and development (Fletcher and Meyerowitz,
2000; Gordon et al., 2009). For the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the genetic
determinants of stem cell growth, division, and localization have been identified,
and negative feedback between a homeodomain transcription factor, WUSCHEL (WUS), and
a receptor kinase, CLAVATA (CLV), is known to play a crucial role in controlling the
reservoir of stem cells in the central domain of a SAM.
The morphology of plant stems and floral organs is controlled in large part by the
size and stability of SAMs, which is controlled, in turn, by spatiotemporal patterns
of WUS and CLV expression in meristems. For example, loss of restrictive signals in
clv mutants of Arabidopsis leads to enlargement of shoot and floral meristems, resulting
in extra floral organs and club-shaped siliques (Jönsson et al., 2005). The size,
localization and stability of stem cell domains should be determined, in principle,
by the interactions of WUS and CLV proteins, especially by their propensities to diffuse
through the domain and by the rates of the molecular reactions that control their
activities. Within this paradigm, reaction-diffusion (RD) models of WUS-CLV interactions
have been popular mathematical models of SAM dynamics (Jönsson et al., 2005; Hohm
et al., 2010; Fujita et al., 2011). In RD models, the spontaneous generation of inhomogeneous
distributions of WUS and CLV in SAM domains is usually attributed to mechanisms based
on a “Turing” instability (Turing, 1952; Segel and Jackson, 1972).
The generic RD equations for spatiotemporal changes in the concentrations, u(x,t)
and v(x,t), of two interacting proteins are
where f(u,v) and g(u,v) are nonlinear functions describing their local chemical interactions.
A unique, uniform, steady-state solution, u(x,t) = u
0 = constant and v(x,t) = v
0, of these equations can become unstable with respect to small, non-uniform perturbations,
u(x,t) = u
0 + e
·δu·cos(qx) and v(x,t) = v
0 + e
·δv·cos(qx), δu < < u
0 and δv < < v
0. The spectra of unstable modes, λ(q), can be found from the characteristic equation
for λ. A Turing instability appears for wavenumbers close to the critical wave-number
defined by the equations, λ(q) ≥ 0 and λ′(q) = 0. The sine qua non for Turing patterns
is the condition for diffusion coefficients: D
>> D
, generating standing waves of wavelength l ≈ 2π/q
in the simulations of the RD system (Gierer and Meinhardt, 1972; Murray, 2003). At
present, the diffusive lengths of CLV and WUS in SAMs have not been determined, and
there is no evidence to suggest that the Turing condition (diffusivity of CLV >> diffusivity
of WUS) is satisfied in the central zone of a SAM.
In typical RD models of the SAM, as in Jönsson et al. (2005), Fujita et al. (2011)
and Figure 1, the interactions between WUS and CLV are described by highly nonlinear
terms. Consequently, these models typically display bistability in a certain range
of their parameters. Interestingly, recent experimental data on cytokinin-controlled
domain confinement in SAMs (Gordon et al., 2009) suggest that WUS-CLV interactions
may indeed exhibit bistability (Gordon et al., 2009).
Figure 1
Turing and bistable mechanisms of domain formation. (A) Fujita's model of SAM. u =
WUS, v = CLV, i = cell index, Φ is a sigmoid function. The parameters and Greek symbols
are positive constants. (B) Nullclines. (C) Linear spectra of unstable modes in the
continuous limit of the model. (D) Turing patterns (for C = 1) in smaller (top) and
larger (bottom) domains. Horizontal dashed line is the uniform steady state u
0 = v
0. (E) Bistable-switch model: domain patterns are controlled by the spatial distribution
of “hormone” field, H. N = number of cells, and δ = Dirac delta function. (F) Nullclines
for a uniform H field. (G) Nullclines for a non-uniform H field. (H) Non-Turing patterns
in smaller (top) and larger (bottom) domains. Model parameters. Function Φ describes
the synthesis rate of activator u, with basal intensity E, self-activation strength
, inhibitor strength B, and the maximum allowed value for activator, u
. Parameters A
and D describe degradation rates of activator and inhibitor. Parameter C and S
describe the intensities of inhibitor inductions by activator and hormone. H
0 is the basal synthesis rate of the inhibitor. Parameter ε
characterizes the time scale of the hormone. D
, D
, and D
are diffusion coefficients. Dirac delta function describes hormone synthesis at discrete
cell locations.
If the differential diffusivity condition is not fulfilled, domain generation is not
possible in the monostable regime of a RD system. Is spontaneous domain formation
possible in the bistable regime of an RD model even if the differential diffusivity
condition is not fulfilled? The answer is yes, if we supplement the RD model for WUS
and CLV with a third variable describing, for example, the distribution of a rapidly
diffusing hormone in the SAM region. In this brief note, we propose that the bistable-switch
mechanism is superior to Turing-type mechanisms of stem-cell domain nucleation in
the SAM, by comparing the two mechanisms in a minimal RD model of a SAM. We prefer
the bistable mechanism because it does not require artificial assumptions, such as
spatial heterogeneities for parameters and variables that typically arise in fitting
Turing-type models to SAM features (Jönsson et al., 2005; Fujita et al., 2011).
Domain nucleation mechanisms
Turing mechanism
Figure 1A shows the activator-inhibitor model of SAM proposed by Fujita et al. (2011).
The stable steady state undergoing Turing instability can be found at the intersection
of the WUS(u) and CLV(v) nullclines, Figure 1B (solid and dashed lines). The linear
spectrum of unstable modes can be positive, λ(q) > 0, and give rise to Turing patterns,
if the diffusion coefficient of CLV is significantly larger than the diffusion coefficient
of WUS, D
>> D
(see Figure 1C). In the resulting Turing pattern (Figure 1D top), the stem cell domain
is the region where the level of WUS exceeds its steady state value, and other SAM
domains are outside this region. In a Turing model, the size of the central domain
is determined by the critical wavenumber, q
, corresponding to the maximum of λ(q) in Figure 1C. With the meristem growth, the
steady state values and critical wavenumber of the Turing pattern remain the same.
When the region grows to twice the original size, the number of waves in the Turing
pattern doubles (Figure 1D bottom), which can be associated with the nucleation of
new stem cell domains.
For our goal of accurate prediction of the size, location, and stability of stem cell
domains in SAM, the Turing mechanism has certain limitations. First, in studying a
dome-shaped SAM in two and three spatial dimensions, additional assumptions introducing
spatial heterogeneity are required to localize the central domain at the apex of the
SAM (Jönsson et al., 2005; Fujita et al., 2011). Under such assumptions, the size
and location of domain patterns are no longer defined by the critical wavenumber of
the Turing instability, but they are defined by artificial restrictions imposed on
the model (Jönsson et al., 2005). Second, the value of the critical wavenumber, which
determines the size of the stem cell domain in a Turing mechanism, may not depend
on parameters in the manner dictated by experiments. For example, experiments (Aichinger
et al., 2012) indicate that the size of the stem-cell domain increases significantly,
with reduction in the rate of synthesis of CLV (the parameter C in Figure 1A); however,
decreases only a little with a 2.5-fold decrease in the value of C (Figure 1C). Third,
Turing patterns are dissipative structures subject to fluctuations depending on noise
in the system, but stem-cell domains should be stable against perturbations due to
mechanical pressures arising from cell growth, cell wall extension, cell division,
etc. Because of these limitations we investigated whether an alternative mechanism
of domain nucleation is possible in mathematical models of SAM.
Bistable mechanism
Depending on the parameters k
and C, the (Fujita et al., 2011) model can exhibit a bistable regime, i.e., the nullclines
of WUS(u) and CLV(v) can have three intersection points, two of which are stable steady
states. Let us consider a bistable regime in the model and introduce a new diffusive
variable, H, a hypothetical, rapidly diffusing hormone (Battogtokh, 2015). For simplicity,
we also assume that H activity depends linearly on WUS level and that the level of
CLV depends linearly on H. We redefine the parameter k
in the equation for CLV(v) to integrate the H field into the model, see Figure 1E.
The bistable steady states in the modified, three-variable bistable model of (Fujita
et al., 2011) for uniform H
0 are shown in Figure 1F. If we consider an initial non-uniform H field with a minimum
value in the center (or apply a strong initial perturbation to the center of the system),
a domain pattern as in Figure 1H (top) can be formed. It can be shown that for certain
values of uniform H
0 and nonzero D
and D
, the domain pattern is stable because the front solution is motionless (Tyson and
Keener, 1988). The Turing condition D
> > D
is not required for the origination and maintenance of the domain. The domain is stable
even if the distribution of H is non-uniform, as long as H varies close to the value
at which the wavefront is stationary, Figure 1H (top). The size and stability of the
domain can be calculated from the condition of the stationary front (Battogtokh, 2015),
while the location of the domain is controlled by the spatial distribution of the
H field.
Spontaneous generation of new domains is possible as the system grows in size. For
simplicity, let us consider growth by boundary extensions, through slow addition of
new elements at the boundaries. As the system grows, the front can stay motionless,
and WUS and CLV levels persist near the two stable steady-state values. However, the
distribution of H may change with growth; it will stay high at the center where WUS
level is high, but H level may drop in regions further away from the center. Therefore,
as the system grows, the local value H may drop below the critical value H
, where there is only an upper steady state in the corresponding local system, Figure
1G (green line). Thus, the drop of H below H
is accompanied by the nucleation of new domains, Figure 1H (bottom, dashed red line).
The distance between the domains can be calculated from the model (Battogtokh, 2015).
The framework of modeling a cell population coupled by a fast diffusive field was
introduced previously by Kuramoto et al. (2000). We used the framework to model SAM
cells with bistable dynamics, in the case of simple linear coupling. Exploring linear
and nonlinear types of coupling with respect to experimental data may identify molecular
candidates for the fast diffusive peptide-hormone. We expect that the peptide-hormone
may be a member of the CLE family, for which CLV3 is one of the founding genes (Wang
and Fiers, 2010; Wang et al., 2016). While in the simple three variable mathematical
model considered here, the hypothetical hormone may be sufficient to drive domain
nucleation, in a more realistic model (e.g., Nikolaev et al., 2007), the involvement
of several members of the CLE family (e.g., CLE 19, CLE 41, etc.) and their crosstalk
with phytohormones may be necessary to account for all the biological data.
We suspect that there is a close relationship between our bistable-switch mechanism
and the cell-positioning mechanism in the SAM model of Nikolaev et al. (2007). However,
because of the complexity of their model, bistability and front stabilization dynamics
are not as apparent as in the minimal model of SAM used here.
In simulations of a lattice of hexagonal cells, representing a two-dimensional vertical
section of SAM, the bistable switch mechanism can generate WUS domains at the target
position near the apex; the domain size can be controlled by the synthesis rate of
CLV; and the regeneration of WUS domains seen in laser-ablation experiments can be
simulated (Battogtokh and Tyson, 2016).
We believe that accurate multiscale models integrating mathematical descriptions of
genomic, chemical, and mechanical processes involved in plant meristem growth and
development will serve for predicting and simulating plant morphogenesis. A primary
requirement for such a model is a quantitative description of the relationship between
the size, location, and stability of the meristems, on one hand, and the plant's shape
and phenotype, on the other hand. Therefore, identifying the correct underlying mechanism
of spontaneous generation of stem-cell domain patterns is crucial for creating a mathematical
model of plant growth. The most basic problem with the classic Turing mechanism for
domain nucleation in the SAM is that there is no evidence for differential diffusivity
of CLV (inhibitor: the complex of membrane receptor kinase CLV1 and its ligand CLV3)
and WUS (activator: transcription factor) biomolecules, a necessary condition for
Turing pattern formation. The bistable switch mechanism, on the contrary, is not restricted
by the differential diffusivity condition. Cells in the SAM can generate new stem
cell domains by switching between the two stable steady states of WUS, depending on
the local level of a hormonal field. The nucleated domain is not a dissipative structure
but a stable structure; its size, location, and stability can be determined from the
properties of the front solution connecting the two stable steady states (Battogtokh,
Author contributions
DB designed and conducted the research, wrote the manuscript. JJT designed research
and wrote the manuscript.
Financial Assistance from the Department of Biological Sciences and the College of
Science at Virginia Tech is gratefully acknowledged. DB is also partially supported
by a grant of the Mongolian Foundation for Science and Technology.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial
or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.