Plasma technology has been an integral part of the semiconductor industries, especially to achieve the desired etch and selectivity of the outcome. These outcomes depend on various factors including the confinement of the charged particles of the plasma source. One of the widely employed confinement schemes is the multipole arrangement of magnetic fields, also known as a multicusp. Such arrangement provides minimum-B field value near the plasma axis and plays significant role in plasma-based ion sources for material processing and in plasma thrusters for spacecraft applications. In the present work, a novel rotating multicusp about its axis is studied to investigate its effect on the confinement of electrons present within it. The multicusp is allowed to rotate with a finite rotational speed, in the range of 0–10 7 rotation per second, thus inducing an axial electric field. It will lead to a directed axial flux of the electrons, determined by the rotational speed of the multicusp. The dynamics of the electrons enclosed within a rotating multicusp have been studied to explore its radial confinement. The results are of significance for semiconductor industries and others where downstream or afterglow plasmas are utilized for material applications.