During the rapid growth of the nation in the last half-century, China has experienced extreme urbanization and class polarization. As a result, historical districts and cultural centers are rapidly vanishing. To survey the question of how to conserve historical monuments in the midst of cities’ fast development that can protect the community, preserve significant memories, and promote the authenticity for future generations. This paper will examine a specific case study in Hangzhou's historical district in China that advances through historical research, field study, residential interviews, suggestions in governmental policy, and revitalization proposals. Through a one-week intensified investigation in the neighborhood under the collaboration of Zhejiang University, University of Tokyo, and University,I was honored to participate in this international academic event, “Learning from Place.” Through a series of surveying and mapping, drawing and modeling, planning and designing, and under the guidance of professors and team collaboration, we students involved in a discussion of the current city issues and organized primary solutions to the problems. The conclusion we have come to an agreement is that it is possible to achieve a compatible environment that incorporates modern facilities into historical conditions, in which harmonizes urban development and cultural conservation, and balance economic advancement and social benefit.