Iron homeostasis is essential for maintaining cellular function in a wide range of cell types. However, whether iron affects the thermogenic properties of adipocytes is currently unknown. Using integrative analyses of multi‐omics data, transferrin receptor 1 (Tfr1) is identified as a candidate for regulating thermogenesis in beige adipocytes. Furthermore, it is shown that mice lacking Tfr1 specifically in adipocytes have impaired thermogenesis, increased insulin resistance, and low‐grade inflammation accompanied by iron deficiency and mitochondrial dysfunction. Mechanistically, the cold treatment in beige adipocytes selectively stabilizes hypoxia‐inducible factor 1‐alpha (HIF1α), upregulating the Tfr1 gene, and thermogenic adipocyte‐specific Hif1α deletion reduces thermogenic gene expression in beige fat without altering core body temperature. Notably, Tfr1 deficiency in interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) leads to the transdifferentiation of brown preadipocytes into white adipocytes and muscle cells; in contrast, long‐term exposure to a low‐iron diet fails to phenocopy the transdifferentiation effect found in Tfr1‐deficient mice. Moreover, mice lacking transmembrane serine protease 6 (Tmprss6) develop iron deficiency in both inguinal white adipose tissue (iWAT) and iBAT, and have impaired cold‐induced beige adipocyte formation and brown fat thermogenesis. Taken together, these findings indicate that Tfr1 plays an essential role in thermogenic adipocytes via both iron‐dependent and iron‐independent mechanisms.
A role of transferrin receptor 1 (Tfr1) in brown/beige adipocytes is reported. Ablation of Tfr1 in adipose tissue attenuates the thermogenic capacity and induces transdifferentiation of brown adipocytes via distinct mechanisms. The findings shed light on how Tfr1 and iron homeostasis affect thermogenesis, suggesting the Tfr1 and iron metabolic pathway as potential targets for preventing metabolic diseases.