The purposes of this study were to rate the attractiveness of different smile variables, to compare the perception of Jordanian laypeople, general practitioners, and orthodontists to altered smile aesthetics, and to identify the threshold where different variables begin to impair smile aesthetics. A smiling photograph of a female dental student was selected and digitally manipulated to create changes in buccal corridor space (BCS), the amount of gingival display, and the midline diastema. These altered images were rated by three groups of Jordanians: 200 laypeople (100 females and 100 males), 200 general practitioners (100 females and 100 males), and 160 orthodontists (40 females and 120 males). Smile aesthetics scores were calculated and comparisons between groups were performed using the univariate general linear model. The results showed that profession and gender affected BCS and midline diastema attractiveness ratings (P<0.001). Wide BCSs, a gingival display of more than 2 mm, and the presence of a midline diastema of any size were rated as unattractive by all groups.