Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics internal combustion engine simulations that use a simplified combustion model based on the flamelet concept provide acceptable results with minimum computational costs and reasonable running times. Moreover, the simulation can neglect small combustion chamber details such as valve crevices, valve recesses, and piston crevices volume. The missing volumes are usually compensated by changes in the squish volume (i.e., by increasing the clearance height of the model compared to the real engine). This paper documents some of the effects that such an approach would have on the simulated results of the combustion phenomena inside a conventional heavy-duty direct injection compression-ignition engine, which was converted to port fuel injection spark ignition operation. Numerical engine simulations with or without crevice volumes were run using the G-equation combustion model. A proper parameter choice ensured that the numerical results agreed well with the experimental pressure trace and the heat release rate. The results show that including the crevice volume affected the mass of a unburned mixture inside the squish region, which in turn influenced the flame behavior and heat release during late-combustion stages.