Recent advances in digital technology, coupled with rapidly increasing interest in
the creation and dissemination of digitized specimen data for use in broad‐scale research
by botanists and other organismal scientists, have encouraged the development of a
variety of new research opportunities in the botanical sciences (e.g., Page et al.,
2015; Soltis, 2017). It is now increasingly possible to collect, use, re‐use, and
share data more easily and effectively. With the advent of the U.S. National Science
Foundation's Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections initiative and the
establishment of iDigBio (Integrated Digitized Biocollections; as
the national resource for specimen digitization and digital data mobilization, researchers
now have access to ever larger and varied digital data sets for visualization, analysis,
and modeling and have new opportunities for adopting “big data” strategies for facilitating
discovery. The iDigBio portal alone now includes nearly 20 million botanical specimen
records, a figure that is growing rapidly as new institutions share their data. In
this special issue of Applications in Plant Sciences, which is based on symposium
presentations at Botany 2017 (the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America
and affiliated societies) and the XIX International Botanical Congress, authors present
a broad array of examples of the latest developments in botanical biodiversity research
using digitized specimen data, including in the fields of genomics, conservation assessment,
ecology, phenology, and taxonomic revisions. The papers present current trends in
the proactive digitization of specimen data that occurs during the collecting and
vouchering of specimens and field data; the tools, skills, and strategies needed for
linking and visualizing botanical data; and innovative methods for digital discovery.
This collection also highlights how digital data are being used in research that expands
our understanding and conservation of plant diversity and the environment.
Although the source data for the papers in this collection are herbarium specimens,
the topics extend well beyond systematics. Broadly integrative plant biologists will
be interested in new approaches to using and re‐using specimen data—whether locality
information for modeling or images for analysis of morphology and/or functional traits.
More importantly, digitized herbarium data become even more valuable when linked to
other data sources, such as environmental or genetic data. In fact, emerging cyberinfrastructure
and new data sources provide unparalleled opportunities for mobilizing and integrating
massive amounts of information from organismal biology, ecology, genetics, climatology,
and other disciplines. Particularly powerful is the integration of phylogenies with
specimen data, enabling analyses of phylogenetic diversity in a spatio‐temporal context,
the evolution of niche space, and more. Such data‐driven synthetic analyses may generate
unexpected patterns, yielding new hypotheses for further study. However, a major challenge
is the heterogeneous nature of complex data, and new methods are needed to link these
divergent data types. Ongoing efforts to link and analyze diverse data are yielding
new perspectives on a range of ecological problems. Integration of plant phylogeny,
distributions, traits, and ultimately genetics is permitting new perspectives on landscape‐level
patterns of biodiversity, with implications for conservation and management of natural
resources. Although many specific hypotheses may be addressed through integrated analyses
of biodiversity and environmental data, perhaps the greatest value of such data‐enabled
science will lie in the unanticipated patterns that emerge.
The papers in this collection capture some of the diversity of the emerging themes
that can be addressed via use of digitized herbarium specimens. The authors address
the broad range of research that can be facilitated by analysis of digitized herbarium
specimens; limitations and bias of digitized specimens for certain avenues of research;
future digitization and training needs; the role of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs)
in integrative research involving herbarium specimens and other sources of data; digitization
workflows that incorporate field, museum, and data mobilization components; the use
of deep learning in specimen identification from images; the development of a standardized
workflow for scoring plant phenology from herbarium specimens; the use of aggregated
digitized data for fungi in generating a comprehensive mycological flora (or mycoflora)
for North America; the role of digital images in education and public outreach; the
effective contributions of citizen scientists of all ages to hypothesis‐driven research;
and the need for effective, comprehensive, and accurate tracking of data use for understanding
the impact of digitized collections.
Noting the centuries of exploration that have yielded the global span of the world's
herbaria, James et al. (2018) provide an overview of how open, digitized, aggregated
botanical data can be used to document global change, predict future impacts, and
drive biological and environmental remediation. Herbarium data—from the information
in labels to data that can be extracted from images—have an increasing role to play
in analyses of temporal and spatial change in community composition and structure.
Moreover, patterns identified via analyses of herbarium specimens can form the foundation
for conservation, rehabilitation, and restoration efforts of not only single species
but entire communities. However, collections data—whether plants, animals, or fungi—may
not always be research‐ready. James et al. address the fitness for use of herbarium
data in basic and applied research, noting that taxonomic, spatial, and temporal limitations
may hamper the usefulness of herbarium data for specific questions. Fortunately, research
efforts addressing issues of data quality, uncertainty, and bias are providing guidance
for assessing limitations for specific uses and for ameliorating the effects. Given
the enormous potential of herbarium data for research in systematics, ecology, conservation,
and global change, the authors cite the need for greater global advocacy for collections,
from curation of physical specimens to digitization to online publishing of digitized
data. Future work to enhance digital herbarium collections through digitization of
other resources, such as field notes, libraries, etc., and to develop tools for discovery,
visualization, analysis, and communication is needed. Key to innovative and effective
use of digitized herbarium data will be skills training for the next generation of
botanical researchers.
The assignment of GUIDs to facilitate the tracking, linking, and discovery of biodiversity
specimens across the internet has been a hotly debated subject. Although the majority
of biodiversity informaticians agree that the use of unique identifiers is essential,
controversy remains about which types of identifiers are best, the most appropriate
Darwin Core field in which they should be published, strategies for resolving identifiers
to physical specimens across the internet, and effective implementation strategies
for the wide variation in biodiversity collections storage, management, and digitization.
Nelson et al. (2018) narrow the scope of this debate to the implementation of GUID
assignments to the digitization and mobilization of herbarium specimen data. They
review the types of GUIDs in current use and strongly recommend that GUID values be
associated with all specimens and included in all digital records of those specimens.
They address the lack of a universal, community‐supported resolver for GUID values
and offer guidelines and recommended practices for minting, managing, and sharing
GUIDs for herbarium specimens.
Contreras (2018) brings a paleobotanical perspective to this special edition, highlighting
the important role researchers can play in incorporating collection, digitization,
analysis, curation, and data mobilization into an integrated research and digitization
pipeline. Although she emphasizes that the workflow and pipeline presented may be
especially useful in smaller institutions with limited staff or when images and other
digital data are integral to the research project, the protocols she outlines may
have broad applicability to researchers and other staff working in larger collections,
as well as to those in non‐paleontological collections, including herbaria. Her workflow
incorporates three components—field, museum, and data mobilization—that are often
temporally and spatially separated in current practice. As a result, the paper brings
a clear museum perspective to the research process, with the museum phase serving
as a transition during which specimens are organized, data are bridged from field
to museum, and the preparation of a museum workspace designed to facilitate these
steps. Contreras' paper offers an important viewpoint on the ways in which research,
collections management, digitization, and curation can be linked to support the management
of specimens in the museum.
Given the rapid increase in the availability of high‐quality specimen and field images
of plants, the capacity to utilize computer vision and image mining techniques to
make automated taxonomic identifications, extract traits, and produce phenological
scorings provides the field of convolutional neural networks and deep learning tremendous
opportunities for applications in botany. Botella et al. (2018) review previous work
with these tools, pointing out that recent progress with deep learning techniques
has shown impressive recognition performance and that, when combined with mobile applications
such as Pl@ntNet (, these techniques may contribute
significantly to species distribution modeling (SDM), biodiversity monitoring, and
the inclusion of citizen science observations within each of these domains. Their
paper explores the use of automated identification in the absence of human validation
for SDM, particularly the impact of the degree of uncertainty when training the MAXENT
niche modeling approach. They evaluated five invasive species against a training set
of 332,000 human‐validated plant images belonging to about 11,000 species. Their results
suggest significant research challenges for using these types of data in SDMs, as
well as for developing models for integrating citizen science observations into conservation
management. Automated image mining is of continuing importance to botany and is a
worthwhile avenue for further research.
Plant phenology (seasonal events such as leaf out, flowering, and fruiting) has complex
effects on multiple levels of biological organization from individuals to ecosystems,
and Yost et al. (2018) discuss the potential of herbarium specimens for addressing
basic and applied research on plant phenology. Phenological shifts are key indicators
of global change, and temporal mismatches in phenology may have important, even catastrophic
effects on natural communities and agricultural systems. For example, such mismatches
between plants and pollinators can quickly cause local extinctions, drive rapid evolutionary
shifts, and cause billions of dollars of agricultural losses. Herbarium specimens
are an excellent source of data for documenting changes in plant phenology (see review
by Willis et al., 2017), but despite millions of specimens that could contribute to
an understanding of historical phenology, inter‐year variation in phenology, and true
shifts in phenology, the use of these data suffers from a lack of standardized scoring
methods and definitions of phenological states. To date, phenological information
has been captured in a herbarium specimen record in multiple ways, for example, in
Darwin Core fields from ‘reproductiveCondition’ to ‘occurrenceRemarks,’ ‘organismRemarks,’
‘dynamicProperties,’ or ‘fieldNotes.’ The lack of standardization in scoring and recording
phenological data has limited large‐scale use of specimens for phenological study.
Yost et al. propose a standardized methodology for scoring phenological characters
from herbarium specimens that can be applied by researchers across herbaria, research
groups, and means of data collection, including via citizen science, satellite imagery,
and stationary cameras.
Herbaria for centuries have typically housed collections of not only plants, but also
fungi. Despite current knowledge that fungi represent the sister group to animals
and are not closely related to plants, many of the curatorial practices for fungi
are similar to those for plants, and this similarity extends to digitization as well.
Thiers and Halling (2018) describe the Macrofungi Collections Consortium (MaCC) and
the development of MyCoPortal ( for serving
digitized specimen information. MaCC digitized data from ~1.25 million specimens;
including data contributed by the Microfungi Collections Consortium (,
the MyCoPortal database currently houses nearly 3.5 million specimens, as well as
descriptions, illustrations, and observational records. The driving force behind development
of MyCoPortal was production of a database to provide baseline data on the extent
and distribution of macrofungal diversity, and the aggregated data have certainly
accomplished this goal. Moreover, MyCoPortal has attracted the amateur mycological
community from the United States, which comprises 80 clubs and 10,200 members. Together,
professional and amateur mycologists, with the foundational data from MyCoPortal,
are poised to produce a comprehensive mycoflora of North America, complete with DNA
sequences, phenotypic descriptions, and images. Data from MyCoPortal have been used
in taxonomic treatments, large‐scale phylogenetic analyses, ecological studies, and
analyses of native versus invasive species and set the stage for a broad range of
uses into the future.
Herbaria are reservoirs of both well‐documented specimens and undescribed diversity.
New species are described each year from specimens that have been housed in collections
for decades, if not centuries. However, the pace of such discovery is slow, especially
for non‐angiosperms, and accelerating the process of discovery is expensive. von Konrat
et al. (2018) explore the role of digitization in increasing accessibility to specimens,
particularly in combination with citizen science efforts and online technology for
uses beyond label transcription. The authors connect natural history collections to
education and outreach through a citizen science tool based on the online Zooniverse
platform. Their project, MicroPlants (, uses images
of the liverwort genus Frullania and both a web‐based platform and an interactive
touchscreen version to capture large data sets for taxonomic analysis, engage a diverse
participant group in research, and expose the public to novel analytical approaches
and the scientific process. MicroPlants has been used in informal science settings
at the Field Museum and in formal educational venues in middle schools, high schools,
and colleges and universities. The project has provided valuable data on both morphological
variation in Frullania and the educational effectiveness of this citizen science platform.
Noteworthy is the fact that preliminary analyses indicate that data provided by non‐experts
were comparable to those generated by experts, supporting a role for citizen scientists
in addressing authentic hypothesis‐driven research.
Data aggregators and publishers benefit significantly from knowing how their collections
data are being used and attributed, the number of records and data sets being downloaded,
the types of individuals who are finding these data useful, and the impact of projects
for which the data are used. Usage metrics, in particular, help herbaria document
value to institutional administrators as well as potential funders, and assist herbarium
directors seek out and target underserved or expanding audiences. Cantrill (2018)
summarizes tracked usage of nearly 900,000 records from the Royal Botanic Gardens
Victoria, served through the Australasian Virtual Herbarium, and details trends in
data usage since 2009. Queries were tracked in three broad categories, including general
use, non‐research use, and scientific research use, with histories of how these categories
and their subcategories have become more refined over the past decade. Cantrill points
out that even with more highly resolved classifications, about one third of all queries
still remain unclassified. He further notes that although the data give a glimpse
of data use as reported by users, they do not provide a metric for understanding the
impact of the projects for which they were downloaded. Future research must assess
this issue if we are to understand and report the full impact of our collections.
This collection of papers provides a current snapshot of some of the issues surrounding
the aggregation and use of digitized herbarium data and of some of the many possible
uses of these data in research and education. However, the field is changing rapidly,
with new tools for data mining, image analysis, and data tracking coming available
at a rapid pace. The application of innovative analytic, algorithmic, and informatics
approaches to centuries‐old specimens is revolutionizing the role of herbaria and
other museum collections in modern biology.