Department of Neurology, University of Florida College of Medicine, P.O. Box 100268,
Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA. Electronic address: melissa.armstrong@neurology.ufl.edu.
Department of Neurology, University of Florida College of Medicine, P.O. Box 100268,
Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA. Electronic address: Kathryn.P.Moore@duke.edu.
Department of Neurology, University of Florida College of Medicine, P.O. Box 100268,
Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA. Electronic address: jacobson@neurology.ufl.edu.
Department of Neurology, University of Florida College of Medicine, P.O. Box 100268,
Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA. Electronic address: Noheli.Gamez@neurology.ufl.edu.
Department of Neurology, University of Florida College of Medicine, P.O. Box 100268,
Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA. Electronic address: Bhavana.Patel@neurology.ufl.edu.
Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research, VA Boston Healthcare
System, 150 S. Huntington Ave (152M), Boston, MA, 02131, USA; Boston University School
of Public Health, Department of Health Law, Policy and Management, 715 Albany St,
Talbot Building, Boston, MA, 02118, USA. Electronic address: Jennifer.Sullivan@va.gov.