Replying to
J. Ren & Y. Chen Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-020-18192-3 (2020)
In Pereira-Hernández et al.
, we reported the influence of the high-temperature vapor-phase synthesis method (also
called atom trapping, or AT) on the activity for CO oxidation of a Pt/CeO2 catalyst,
compared to a conventional synthesis method (strong electrostatic adsorption, or SEA).
The findings suggest that the AT method leads to increased activity compared to the
SEA method, and this is related to improved redox properties of the support at low
temperature. Recently, Ren and Chen
questioned the interpretation of the results and suggested alternative explanations
for the findings. However, as addressed in this paper, we are firmly of the opinion
that the original analysis, results, and conclusions provided in Pereira-Hernández
et al.
are valid and accurately explain the phenomena observed.
The AT catalyst is significantly more active than the SEA catalyst at 50 °C (Fig. 1
in Pereira-Hernández et al.
). Ren and Chen
suggested that the difference in activity between the two catalysts might be related
to a difference in metal dispersion. However, Supplementary Fig. 4
shows that the mean particle sizes for the AT and SEA catalysts are 1.68 ± 0.3 and
1.58 ± 0.33 nm, respectively, confirming that the two catalysts in the original paper
have a similar Pt dispersion. A similar particle size would also imply a similar interface
area. Hence, the difference in reactivity arises from the nature of the ceria (different
ceria redox properties at 50 °C, confirmed by NAP–XPS). The major difference between
AT and SEA is the activation of the ceria support. In our recent publication
, we further demonstrated that CO adsorbed on Pt in the AT sample reacts quickly at
70 °C, if oxygen is available in interfacial sites. On the other hand, if the interfacial
oxygen is depleted, CO is bound strongly. This proves unequivocally that the interfacial
sites in the AT sample are necessary for low-temperature CO oxidation.
Fig. 1
Sequential CO oxidation.
Sequential CO oxidation light-off curves up to 300 °C using a 1 wt%Pt/CeO2 catalyst
synthesized by atom trapping and further reduced at 275 °C with CO, as specified in
Pereira-Hernández et al.
Moreover, Ren and Chen
express a concern that the QMS results during the NAP–XPS experiments do not show
a significant signal for CO2 at temperatures where the packed-bed reactor and CO-TPR
show significant CO2 production. The low signal can be easily explained since the
flow geometry in the NAP–XPS experiments is not optimized for accurate kinetic measurements.
Gases flow over the catalyst bed, and the residence time is much lower than the CO-TPR
experiment. The CO-TPR is performed at ambient pressure versus 2 mbar in NAP–XPS.
The residence time in the NAP–XPS experiments is about two orders of magnitude less
than that in the CO-TPR experiments, leading to about two orders of magnitude lower
CO2 concentration, which makes CO2 more difficult to detect. In addition, CO flows
over the catalyst bed during NAP–XPS measurements, likely resulting in external mass
transfer limitation, making CO2 detection even more difficult. In other words, the
geometry of the NAP–XPS cell (gas flows over the sample) and location of the QMS (differential
pumping of the lens system, not the outlet of the cell) are not designed for reactivity
measurement. QMS data from NAP to XPS are used to verify the composition of the reactant
gases fed to the catalyst in the cell.
Ren and Chen
comment on the differences between the pretreatments used for CO-TPR versus NAP–XPS,
and suggest that the oxidative treatment converts the Pt to the oxide that gets reduced
to form CO2. If so, we would have expected similar reduction behavior for the AT and
SEA catalysts during CO-TPR since the amount of Pt in both catalysts is the same.
The fact that CO2 is formed at lower temperatures on the AT catalyst is a result of
the enhanced reactivity of the ceria support in the AT catalyst. The catalyst pretreatment
for CO-TPR versus NAP–XPS cannot account for this difference.
Furthermore, the geometry of the NAP–XPS cell (gas flows over the sample) and location
of the QMS (differential pumping of the lens system, not the outlet of the cell) are
not designed for activity measurement. No reactivity data can be extracted with this
type of system. Its function is only to provide qualitative trends. CO conversion
was also low at 50 °C (<30%) even in a flow reactor without external mass transfer
limitation (Fig. 1 in Pereira-Hernández et al.
). Therefore, there is no contradiction in the inability to detect CO2 during the
NAP–XPS experiments.
In addition, Ren and Chen
express concerns about the NAP–XPS quantification of different Ce species due to our
use of a Shirley background. Quantification of the Ce3+/Ce4+ ratio from fitting of
the Ce3d line is challenging and requires experience and use of advanced models. However,
spectra fitting with the model, which takes an account of the asymmetry of the u and
v components and Shirley-type background, is justified as shown by recognized surface
science groups specializing on ceria model systems
. While the choice of the fitting model and the background do matter, consistency
of fitting throughout the experiments/samples (using the same measurement parameters)
limits the uncertainty only to the absolute Ce3+ concentration, with no effect on
the overall speciation on which the conclusions are based
The quote used by Ren and Chen
“However, the 2009 report
cautioned about Shirley background and further stated that decomposing the complicated
spectrum is “
partly ambiguous in principle”” leaves out the following statement from Skala’s seminal
work. Immediately after the phrase quoted above, Skala et al. conclude: “Despite these
remarks we obtained a high-quality and consistent fit—better than many of those already
published in the literature—and quite simple at the same time”. We therefore feel
justified in our use of the Shirley background for fitting the data.
In addition, in an extensive overview recently published by Paparazzo
, the fitting provided by Skala (and on which our fitting is based) was assessed as
“both accurate and consistent”.
Ren and Chen
suggest that the different Pt/Ce ratios between the two catalysts indicate different
dispersion. However, it is important to take into account that the AT catalyst was
pretreated at 800 °C in air for 10 h, leading to decreased surface area. This explains
a higher Pt/Ce ratio of ~0.030 on the AT catalyst versus ~0.015 on the SEA catalyst,
despite similar particle sizes of Pt. The presence of atomically dispersed Pt2+ on
the AT catalyst further increases the Pt/Ce ratio.
Ren and Chen
raise additional concerns about the activity/stability of the AT catalyst based on
the QMS data during the NAP–XPS experiments, suggesting that the activity is lost
in about 30 min. To address this concern, we point to Supplementary Fig. 2 of our
recent publication
, which illustrates the repeatability and stability of the AT catalyst. Five consecutive
runs up to ~140 °C were performed, and no loss of activity was observed. We recently
repeated these measurements using CO reduction, and extended the reaction temperature
to 300 °C. No deactivation was observed, as shown in Fig. 1.
Ren and Chen
point out that there might be a contradiction in the Pt(0) content evolution throughout
the NAP–XPS experiments; however, under switches from CO + O2 to CO, not only the
coverage of CO on Pt would be different, contributing to the significantly different
spectrum, but also chemical potential of the system substantially changes, leading
to reconstruction of the surface of Pt NPs
. That is why we not only observe a reversible minor but significant shift in BE upon
switches, but also a difference in intensity of the component. So, the picture inferred
from Pt(0) can be quite complicated and can be the subject of further investigations.
This is why we clearly stated in the paper
“Further exposure to CO and CO + O2 environments at 50 °C does not change significantly
the fraction of Pt0 species in the catalyst” for Figs. 5 and 6.
The results shown in Figs. 5 and 6
were performed in a SPECS NAP–XPS system, while the results in Supplementary Fig.
were performed in a Kratos AXIS Ultra spectrometer. The latter allows treatment of
the catalyst at atmospheric pressure, but has the potential issues caused by sample
transfer, while the pressure was limited to 10 mbar in the NAP–XPS system. Therefore,
comparisons of two catalysts should be performed using the same equipment. In both
cases, however, the AT catalyst shows more Ce3+ species after reduction than the SEA
catalyst, implying a higher reducibility of ceria, which is consistent with the explanation
of an improved supply of oxygen species to the Pt surface.
As discussed above, the choice of the exact model (linear background or Shirley type)
might alter the absolute values obtained from the fit. However, if the same processing
approach is used throughout all spectra, the trend will remain valid. The comprehensive
overview of fitting models for Ce3d core line made by Paparazzo
concluded that the fitting provided by Skala (and on which our fitting is based) was
assessed as “both accurate and consistent”, further justifying our approach.
Ren and Chen
suggest that the SEA catalyst might be more active due to the higher amount of gas-
phase CO2 seen during the DRIFTS measurements. However, catalyst reactivity cannot
be inferred from IR spectra of the products, especially in the CO2 region because
of interference from atmospheric CO2 outside the DRIFTS cell. For example, the region
for CO2 gas phase in Fig. 3d
does not change during CO oxidation, He desorption, and O2 flow. If this signal was
related to CO2, the peak should have disappeared once the CO was stopped, which was
not the case. To clarify this, QMS results for the AT and SEA catalysts during DRIFTS
experiments (which were not included in the original manuscript) are shown in Fig. 2.
Both catalysts exhibit low activity for CO oxidation at 50 °C, which can be explained
by the flow dynamics in the DRIFTS cell. However, increasing temperature to 125 °C
leads to clearly different activities between the AT and SEA catalysts.
Fig. 2
QMS signals for CO, O2, and CO2 during CO oxidation reaction that was performed and
monitored by DRIFTS.
Top: 1 wt.%Pt/CeO2 catalyst synthesized by SEA. Bottom: 1 wt.%Pt/CeO2 catalyst synthesized
by AT. Both catalysts were reduced at 275 °C with CO, as specified in Pereira-Hernández
et al.
Ren and Chen
proposed calculating TOF using “active ceria sites”. It is understandable and logical
that calculation of TOF requires counting the number of active sites. While the sites
at the interface play a critical role in this reaction, quantifying the number of
these sites is very difficult. Simply using the perimeter of a nanoparticle is not
accurate due to variations in particle shape compounded by the difficulty in accurate
determination of size and interfacial area in subnanometer particles. Previous work
by Cargnello et al.
, which focused on investigating the role of particle size (and interface sites),
used the total amount of Pt for normalizing reactivity. This is also the approach
used by all studies on single-atom catalysts (SACs); hence, we calculate TOF based
on the total number of Pt atoms.