In the past decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies have become increasingly prevalent in the academic world. This growing trend has led to debates about the impact of these technologies on academia. The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of ChatGPT, an AI and machine learning technology, in the academic field and to determine academics' perceptions of it. To achieve this goal, in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 academics, and their views on the subject were analyzed. It is seen that academics believe that ChatGPT will play a helpful role as a tool in scientific research and educational processes and can serve as an inspiration for new topics and research areas. Despite these advantages, academics also have ethical concerns, such as plagiarism and misinformation. The study found that ChatGPT is viewed positively as a useful tool in scientific research and education, but ethical concerns such as plagiarism and misinformation need to be addressed.