Die fokus van hierdie artikel is die groei en ontwikkeling van welheid en die betekenis wat dit vir kerke en hulle bedienings het. Ter inleiding word 'n beskrywing van welheid gegee en die verskillende dimensies van welheid word kortliks verduidelik. Die eienskappe van die kontemporêre kultuur word bespreek en daarmee saam die holistiese benadering in die welheids-bediening. Die belangrikheid van die historiese verhouding tussen godsdiens-, natuur- en gesondheidswetenskappe in die Westerse wêreld word hanteer as aanleiding tot die betrokkenheid van die kerk in die kontemporêre kultuur. Ten slotte word sekere aanbevelings oor welheid en kerke gemaak en die artikel word met gevolgtrekkings afgesluit.
The focus of this article is the growth and development of wellness and the significance it has for churches and their ministry. As introduction a description of wellness is given and the different dimensions of wellness are explained briefly. The features of contemporary culture are discussed as well as the holistic approach in the wellness ministry. The importance of the historical relationship between religion, natural and health sciences will be dealt with as background to the discussion of the involvement of the church in the contemporary culture. Finally some recommendations are made regarding wellness and churches and the article ends with conclusions.