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      Standardkonzentrationen für Dauerinfusionen – Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Befragung auf deutschen Erwachsenenintensivstationen Translated title: Standardized concentrations for continuous infusion—results of a nationwide survey in German intensive care units


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          Intensivpatienten erhalten zahlreiche Arzneimittel (AM) als Dauerinfusion appliziert. In Deutschland fehlt bisher für die als Dauerinfusion applizierten AM eine einheitliche Liste mit Standardkonzentrationen.

          Ziel der Arbeit

          Ziel war es, bundesweit repräsentative Informationen zu Standardkonzentrationen von als Dauerinfusion mittels Spritzenpumpe oder Infusionspumpe applizierten AM auf den Intensivstationen zu gewinnen.

          Material und Methoden

          Zur Ermittlung der Akzeptanz und Präferenz für Dauerinfusionen von ausgewählten AM wurde ein Fragenkatalog in einem online- Umfragetool entwickelt und von der DIVI an die jeweils verantwortlichen Leiter*innen von 1816 Intensivstationen versendet. Die Umfrage umfasste Vorschläge zu 59 AM mit insgesamt 73 Konzentrationen. Ergänzend konnten die Teilnehmer in Freitextfeldern eigene Vorschläge zu AM und entsprechenden Konzentrationen angeben. Die Häufigkeit der Verwendung der Arzneimittel als Dauerinfusion und der präferierten Standardkonzentrationen wurde bezogen auf die Zahl der Antworten pro Arzneimittel berechnet.


          Die Umfrage wurde von 312 (17 %) Intensivstationen beantwortet. Die Akzeptanzrate für das Prinzip der geschwindigkeitsgesteuerten Dauerinfusion in Standardkonzentrationen ist deutschlandweit sehr hoch, Die Top 10 bzw. 25 der vorgeschlagenen AM werden von über 90 % bzw. 50 % der Teilnehmer regelmäßig als Dauerinfusion eingesetzt. Für viele dieser AM konnte eine oder mehrere präferierte Konzentrationen identifiziert werden.


          Die Top-37-Arzneimittel und die präferierten Konzentrationen sind als Grundlage für eine bundesweit geltende Standardliste mit Standardkonzentrationen für Dauerinfusionen (in der Regel 50 ml) geeignet. Die damit befassten Fachgesellschaften können basierend auf den Umfrageergebnissen eine bundeseinheitliche Standardliste konsentieren.

          Translated abstract


          Continuous infusion of numerous parenteral medications is common practice in intensive care units (ICU). In contrast to some countries, there is a lack of clearly defined standardized concentrations in Germany, especially for high-risk medications designated for infusion therapy.


          The goal was to collect representative data of standardized concentrations commonly used for continuous infusion in German ICUs. Results should be used to draft nationwide recommendations for standardized continuous infusions.

          Materials and methods

          To determine the nationwide acceptance and preference for medications designated for continuous infusion, a questionnaire was developed and sent to the directors of 1816 ICUs in Germany. The questionnaire comprised suggestions of 59 medicinal products with 73 concentrations. In addition, participants could make their own proposals on medications and concentrations preferably used. Evaluation was performed with SurveyMonkey® and Microsoft® Excel®.


          A total of 312 (17%) ICUs answered the survey. Data analyses indicate a very high acceptance rate for rate-controlled continuous infusion with standardized concentrations. More than 90% (50%) of participating physicians routinely use the top 10 (top 25) medicines listed for continuous infusion. For most medicines, one concentration could be identified.


          Our survey results generate a suitable basis for a nationwide list with standardized concentrations of medicines intended for continuous infusion (usually 50 mL). Publication of such a list by the corresponding expert committees is likely to be met with broad acceptance and implementation into clinical practice can be expected.

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          Most cited references12

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          Standardization and Chemical Characterization of Intravenous Therapy in Adult Patients: A Step Further in Medication Safety

          Background Intravenous drug administration is associated with potential complications, such as phlebitis. The physiochemical characteristics of the infusate play a very important role in some of these problems. Aim The aim of this study was to standardize the dilutions of intravenous drugs most commonly used in hospitalized adult patients and to characterize their pH, osmolarity and cytotoxic nature to better guide the selection of the most appropriate vascular access. Methods The project was conducted in three phases: (i) standardization of intravenous therapy, which was conducted using a modified double-round Delphi method; (ii) characterization of the dilutions agreed on in the previous phase by means of determining the osmolarity and pH of each of the agreed concentrations, and recording the vesicant nature based on the information in literature; and (iii) algorithm proposal for selecting the most appropriate vascular access, taking into account the information gathered in the previous phases. Results In total, 112 drugs were standardized and 307 different admixtures were assessed for pH, osmolarity and vesicant nature. Of these, 123 admixtures (40%), had osmolarity values >600 mOsm/L, pH 9, or were classified as vesicants. In these cases, selection of the most suitable route of infusion and vascular access device is crucial to minimize the risk of phlebitis-type complications. Conclusions Increasing safety of intravenous therapy should be a priority in the healthcare settings. Knowing the characteristics of drugs to assess the risk involved in their administration related to their physicochemical nature may be useful to guide decision making regarding the most appropriate vascular access and devices.
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            How safe is my intensive care unit? An overview of error causation and prevention.

            To link generic research on patient safety and the reliability of care to the specific context of the critically ill patient and the environment of the intensive care unit. Many improvements in patient safety could be implemented through changes in clinical behaviour and within existing resources. These changes require high-level institutional support and leadership combined with ownership by front-line clinicians. Reducing complexity, increasing standardization, and improving teamwork to create a culture of safety are key elements. The evidence base for some interventions needs further research. Competency-based training provides the mechanism for incorporating best practice across different specialities and disciplines. Patient safety initiatives, clinical care and medical education need to be better integrated to follow the continuum of the acutely ill patient's journey through the hospital system. Key elements include improving the reliability and standardization of processes of care, reducing unnecessary variation and complexity, and encouraging teamworking.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: not found
              • Book: not found

              Medication Without Harm


                Author and article information

                Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed
                Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed
                Medizinische Klinik, Intensivmedizin Und Notfallmedizin
                Springer Medizin (Heidelberg )
                15 July 2022
                15 July 2022
                : 1-10
                [1 ]GRID grid.5802.f, ISNI 0000 0001 1941 7111, Apotheke der Universitätsmedizin Mainz, , Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, ; Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 Mainz, Deutschland
                [2 ]GRID grid.412471.5, ISNI 0000 0004 0551 2937, Klinik und Poliklinik für Chirurgie, , Berufsgenossenschaftliches Universitätsklinikum Bergmannsheil Bochum, ; Bochum, Deutschland
                [3 ]GRID grid.5718.b, ISNI 0000 0001 2187 5445, Medizinische Fakultät, , Universität Duisburg-Essen, ; Essen, Deutschland
                [4 ]GRID grid.411941.8, ISNI 0000 0000 9194 7179, Lehr- und Forschungseinheit Pharmakologie, , Universitätsklinik Regensburg, ; Regensburg, Deutschland
                Author notes

                Michael Buerke, Siegen

                © The Author(s) 2022

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                : 4 March 2022
                : 13 May 2022
                : 20 June 2022
                Funded by: Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (8974)

                kontinuierliche injektion,injektionsrate gesteuerte dosierung,arzneimittel bei intensivpatienten,bundesweite befragung,arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit,continuous infusion,standardized concentration,intensive care therapy,nationwide survey,medication safety


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