We highlight key contributions in the field of direct radical C Ar− H (hetero)aromatic functionalization involving fluorinated radicals. A compilation of Functional Group Transfer Reagents and their diverse activation mechanisms leading to the release of radicals are discussed. The substrate scope for each radical is analyzed and classified into three categories according to the electronic properties of the substrates. Density functional theory computational analysis provides insights into the chemical reactivity of several fluorinated radicals through their electrophilicity and nucleophilicity parameters. Theoretical analysis of their reduction potentials also highlights the remarkable correlation between electrophilicity and oxidizing ability. It is also established that highly fluorinated radicals (e.g. ⋅OCF 3) are capable of engaging in single‐electron transfer (SET) processes rather than radical addition, which is in good agreement with experimental literature data. A reactivity scale, based on activation barrier of addition of these radicals to benzene is also elaborated using the high accuracy DLPNO‐(U)CCSD(T) method.