Humans, as well as other animals, use space to organize the world. This use of space
as an organizational scaffold is especially prevalent when we conceptualize mathematics,
a domain that shares behavioral and neural overlap with the domain of space (Pinel
et al., 2004; Kaufmann et al., 2005; Dehaene and Brannon, 2010). One of the most prominent
descriptions of this relation is that of a mental number line, in which small values
are associated with the left side of space, and large values with the right (Moyer
and Landauer, 1967; Dehaene et al., 1993). The development of the mature form of this
mental number line is multiply determined, with evidence pointing to evolutionary
pressures as well as cultural and linguistic influences. This cognitive bias to associate
numerical information with space, and do so with left-right or right-left asymmetry,
is adaptive; it helps to bolster memory and learning throughout our lives (Opfer and
Furlong, 2011; McCrink and Galamba, 2015; McCrink and Shaki, 2016; Bulf et al., 2017).
Moreover, with development this bias to map number onto an oriented continuum extends
to any well-ordered information, even when recently learned (Gevers et al., 2003,
2004; Previtali et al., 2010). Critically, despite the apparent promise of using space
as a scaffold for learning and memory, there are several gaps in the literature surrounding
an essential period of the development of spatial-numerical associations: toddlerhood
and early childhood. Here, we summarize current work on the innate and culture-specific
factors modulating the mental number line in infancy and childhood, and note further
research that could help to shed light on a complete developmental picture of this
The mental number line: from innate to enculturated
Recent work in developmental psychology has found that spatial-numerical associations
are present as early as the first days of life. de Hevia and colleagues have documented
a propensity for infants in the first year of life to map magnitudes onto a left-to-right
spatial continuum. Seven-month old infants present a preference for increasing numerical
sequences, only if the arrays are presented from smallest on the left to largest on
the right (de Hevia et al., 2014). Eight-month-olds are quicker to attend to a left-side
probe after central presentation of a small number and a right-side probe after central
presentation of a large number, but this advantage does not extend to a small vs.
large object (Bulf et al., 2016). Interestingly, despite numerical magnitude and spatial
quantity sharing many commonalities in infancy [e.g., an advantage for increasing
order (Macchi Cassia et al., 2012; de Hevia et al., 2014, 2017a), transfer of ordinal
direction and rule-based learning between the two domains (de Hevia and Spelke, 2010;
Lourenco and Longo, 2010)], the findings of lateralized asymmetry for attention in
infancy seem to be specific to numerical magnitude (e.g., sets of objects) and not
spatial quantity (e.g., the size of a single object; Bulf et al., 2016; de Hevia et
al., 2017b). This lateralized processing can be found even when the dimension evokes
number only peripherally, such as when processing a statistical ordering rule for
the placement of three objects (Bulf et al., 2017). The biases observed in infancy
are untrained and spontaneous, reflecting predispositions for lateralized processing
of magnitude. However, it is possible that by several months of age, infants have
had some non-specific spatial experience that could lead to enculturation of a spatial
organization system. de Hevia et al. (2017a) have recently found that even neonates
exhibit lateralized processing of magnitude; they look longer to a left-side stimulus
in the presence of a relatively small magnitude, and longer to a right-side stimulus
in the presence of a relatively large magnitude. This finding—which is not mutually
exclusive with a later, enculturated mental number line—supports the existence of
a mental number line in humans with no prior spatial experience.
McCrink et al. (2017b) posited that these lateralized spatial-numerical associations
wax and wane throughout infancy and early childhood as children become less beholden
to innate biases, and more imitative and aware of the cultural conventions surrounding
spatial structuring. In this study, 2- and 3-year-olds were given a version of a navigational
spatial transposition task frequently used with non-human animals (Rugani et al.,
2010; Drucker and Brannon, 2014). In the experimental conditions relevant to this
review, toddlers were trained to retrieve an object that was repeatedly hidden in
one particular location (out of 5) along a vertical array, with the experimenter verbally
labeling the locations with numerals (“box one”) or a non-ordinal label (“this box”).
Afterwards, the array was surreptitiously transposed 90 degrees. Unlike non-human
animals, who exhibit a general bias to search from left-to-right after being trained
in this spatially ordered sequence of locations, the children who received generic
labels were equally likely to navigate with a LR or RL bias. However, children who
received numerical labels selected the location that corresponded to a left-to-right
spatial mapping. Moreover, in a counting task only ~60% of toddlers counted in an
organized direction, and those were the children who reliably performed a left-to-right
mapping. In light of these findings, the authors suggest that toddlerhood is a period
of flexibility with respect to the directional nature of spatial associations, with
innate left-to-right scanning biases falling away as children begin to gather socially
transmitted information of the spatial structuring in their environment. Early biases
to map initial information to the left side of space, and final to the right, will
arise only if the privileged domain of number is invoked (See Figure 1 for the proposed
developmental trajectory of several types of spatial associations).
Figure 1
A summary of likely trajectories of the spatial association types [ranging from left-small/less
and right-large /more (LR) to right-small/less and left-large /more (RL)] in early
childhood, for a child whose language is consistently scripted left to right. Knowledge
of the count list is indicated here by “123.” Numbers below the symbols indicate the
studies which have been done to establish this trajectory, with author details noted
on the reference key. A lack of numbers indicates an area for future work. In infancy,
children spontaneously associate small and large magnitudes with the left and right
sides of space (respectively). In the toddler years, children develop symbolic knowledge
of the order of numerals, and are enculturated to the different spatial structures
within their script for these symbols, which eventually prompts culture-specific spatial
associations for many types of ordered sequences.
This privileged mapping of numerals to space is likely due to the combination of the
children's knowledge of the mapping between numerals and magnitude (an inherently
ordinal dimension), and the reinforcement of left-to-right spatial structuring by
their caregivers when counting. During the preschool years, children start to reliably
map small numbers (“1, 2, 3”) to their innate, non-symbolic, and intrinsically ordered
representations of number (Sarnecka and Carey, 2008). By preschool, children show
spatial-numerical compatibility effects similar to older children and adults for non-symbolic
magnitudes (de Hevia and Spelke, 2009; Patro and Haman, 2012), and are more likely
to use symbolic numerical labels to solve a spatial reasoning task if they are presented
in a culturally consistent direction (Opfer et al., 2010). In this paradigm (adapted
from Loewenstein and Gentner, 2005), preschoolers are shown two sets of boxes (a sample
and matching set), sectioned into verbally labeled locations (e.g., “room 2”). A target
is shown in the sample set, and children search for this target in the matching set
(located in the same labeled location). Preschoolers in the U.S. are faster and more
accurate when locations are numbered from left-to-right versus right-to-left, if they
are highly organized counters (Opfer et al., 2010). Additionally, Shaki et al. (2012)
found that preschoolers in cultures with right-to-left scripted language (such as
Arabic) exhibit spatial-numerical biases that are reversed, with young children counting
from right-to-left instead of from left-to-right as they do in English-speaking countries.
How may this conventionality emerge? Given the timing of this shift, the obvious candidate
is the child's home environment. Starting in early toddlerhood, caregivers are modeling
the spatial conventions of their culture, presenting spatial associations with a high
degree of culture-specific structure. Parents may primarily model a single effective
strategy when they organize space for their child—a strategy that is colored by the
language they read and write on a daily basis. Recent work on caregiving influences
on spatial biases suggests there are three primary ways that parents can influence
their child's spatial structuring habits: their gesture, their organization of spatial
layout, and the nature of their reading material (Patro et al., 2016a; Göbel et al.,
2017; McCrink et al., 2017a). McCrink et al. (2017a) found that in two different tasks—watching
a slideshow of alphabetical, numerical, or random stimuli, and crafting a visual story
for their child –English-speaking parents were more likely to gesture to the screen
and lay out pictures in a left-to-right manner to a greater degree than Hebrew-speaking
parents. Göbel et al. (2017) found that after observing reading from storybooks (a
left-to-right or right-to-left storybook) children change their counting direction
in line with the direction of reading. Observing an adult point in a specific direction
(e.g., right to left) did not influence counting direction. In contrast, Patro et
al. (2016b) found that if the children were trained by an adult to point in a specific
direction themselves, their subsequent spatial-numerical mappings took on the asymmetric
form of that pointing movement (left-less/right-more after left-to-right pointing,
and right-less/left-more after right-to-left pointing). Finally, book illustrations
exhibit culture-specific directionality, even in non-numerical domains, with the subject[object]
of the sentence on the left[right] for English-language books, and the opposite for
Hebrew-language books (Göbel et al., 2017). The accumulation of this cultural experience
results in an asymmetric mapping for many types of ordinal information (numerical:
Dehaene et al., 1993; Zebian, 2005, spatial quantity: Bulf et al., 2014, alphabetical:
McCrink and Shaki, 2016)—a mapping which follows the direction of the culture's script.
Future directions on the early development of the mental number line
Several outstanding questions remain within this subfield. First, is the number-space
mapping in infancy actually related to the ubiquitous spatial associations found in
adulthood? It is instead possible that these are two separate phenomena, which reflect
different underlying mechanisms [e.g., hemispheric lateralization influences in infancy,
but a distinct symbolic, analogical reasoning system starting in the second year of
life Halford et al., 2010, 2013]. One way to address this possibility is to investigate
both the structure and function of brain areas which respond to numerical and spatial
magnitudes (e.g., Borghesani et al., 2016), and observe if there is continuity across
development with respect to which regions are activated in similar tasks. Second,
what is the underlying spatial relation between different types of quantity representations
at birth? Studies which investigate the numerical specificity of spatial associations
in neonates should be conducted in order to detail how the domain of number is structured
and reasoned about. Third, when does the enculturation shift for spatial associations
happen—and does the presence or absence of numerical input alter this timeline? To
answer this question, research is needed in which the same spatial association task
is implemented in infants, toddlers, and children in cultures which observe left-to-right
and right-to-left scripting behaviors. One good candidate would be the spatial transposition
task, which requires no verbal knowledge, and can be altered for the presence or absence
of non-symbolic number arrays on each location. Fourth, how exactly is this enculturation
of spatial associations implemented? Work on spatial enculturation behaviors like
gesturing along a path (Patro et al., 2016b) and reading (Göbel et al., 2017) has
started to document possible avenues, but a closer study of the home environment and
the relation between parent behaviors and child spatial associations is needed. For
example, if reading observation is a primary avenue to enculturation for this phenomenon,
one would predict that highly literate homes would have children who exhibit a quicker
and more robust transition to the spatial associations of their culture. Additionally,
a causal story for parent interaction as the driver of enculturated spatial associations
would predict that parents' degree of spatial structuring would be the modulating
factor in their child's degree of spatial associations. Finally, the relation between
different types of enculturation behaviors and different types of numerical representations
is still unclear. Developmental studies which systematically tease apart the influence
of these behaviors (a parent modeling spatial organization vs. a child mimicking these
modeled behaviors, parental modeling of spatial organization in a numerical or non-numerical
fashion) and representations (explicit counting, non-symbolic mapping of magnitudes)
could help clarify the nature of the mental number line in early childhood.
Author contributions
KM and MDdH contributed equally to the generation of this opinion. KM drafted the
manuscript. MDdH provided comments.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial
or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.