We study, for the first time, differential distributions for two \(\rho^0\) meson production in exclusive ultraperipheral, ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions via a double-scattering mechanism. The calculations are done in the impact parameter space. The cross section for \(\gamma A \to \rho^0 A\) is parametrized based on an existing model. Smearing of \(\rho^0\) masses is taken into account. The results of calculations for single and double-\(\rho^0\) production are compared to experimental data at the RHIC and LHC energies. The mechanism considered gives a significant contribution to the \(AA \to AA \pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-\) reaction. Some observables related to charged pions are presented too. We compare results of our calculations with the STAR collaboration results for four charged pion production.