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      Cobertura e motivos para a realização ou não do teste de Papanicolaou no Município de São Paulo Translated title: Cervical cancer screening in the Municipality of São Paulo: coverage and factors involved in submitting to the Pap test


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          Investigou-se a prevalência da realização do teste de Papanicolaou alguma vez na vida e nos últimos três anos entre mulheres de 15 a 49 anos, o recebimento do resultado do último teste realizado e os motivos relatados para a realização ou não do exame. Um inquérito domiciliar foi realizado no Município de São Paulo em 2000, com uma amostra representativa de 1.172 mulheres selecionadas aleatoriamente em seus domicílios. Das mulheres que já tinham iniciado a vida sexual (n = 1.050), 86,1% (932) realizaram o teste alguma vez na vida e 77,3 % (839) nos últimos três anos. Das que já realizaram o teste, 806 (87,0%) receberam o resultado do último exame. Os principais motivos para a realização do último teste foram: demanda espontânea (55,5%), recomendação médica (25%) e presença de queixas ginecológicas (18,2%). As principais razões para a não realização do exame foram: ausência de problemas ginecológicos, vergonha ou medo e dificuldades de acesso. A despeito do relativo aumento na cobertura do teste de Papanicolaou e de mais da metade das mulheres demandarem espontaneamente pelo exame, sua realização foi menor entre aquelas com as piores condições sócio-econômicas e, portanto, de maior risco para o câncer cervical.

          Translated abstract

          This study estimated Pap smear coverage (at least one test in the lifetime and one in the last three years) among women aged 15 to 49 years old. The study also discusses whether the women received the results of their last test, as well as self-reported reasons for and against submitting to the test. A population-based survey was conducted in the city of São Paulo in 2000 with a randomly selected representative sample of 1,172 women. Among the women who were already sexually active (n = 1,050), 86.1% reported having had at least one Pap smear during their lifetime, and 77.3% had undergone the test in the previous 3 years. Among those who reported having had at least one Pap smear, 87.0% had received the result of the last test. The main reasons reported for having had the last test were: spontaneous demand (55.5%), medical referral (25%), and gynecological complaints (18.2%). The main reasons for never having had a Pap test were: no gynecological problems, embarrassment or fear, and difficulties in accessing health services. Despite high coverage of the Pap test and the fact that the majority of the women had self-reported a spontaneous demand, use of the Pap test was less prevalent among women with the lowest socioeconomic level (and consequently at greater risk of cervical cancer).

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          Prevenção do câncer de colo do útero: um modelo teórico para analisar o acesso e a utilização do teste de Papanicolaou

          Vários estudos têm apontado que a permanência das altas taxas de incidência e mortalidade por câncer cérvico-uterino deve-se à baixa qualidade e cobertura do teste de Papanicolaou, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Pretende-se neste artigo analizar alguns pontos relacionados às medidas de prevenção e controle do câncer cervical quanto à efetividade do teste de Papanicolaou, a lógica operacional e científica por detrás das políticas públicas de prevenção ao câncer cervical e a cobertura do teste em países norte-americanos, europeus e na América Latina. Consideram-se, ainda, os modelos explicativos que estão sendo propostos para avaliar o acesso e a utilização deste serviço, a partir da análise dos fatores associados à realização do teste de Papanicolaou descritos pela literatura. Propõe-se uma nova abordagem na investigação destes fatores, buscando a integração e interlocução de outros aspectos de cunho social, cultural e organizacional na análise do acesso e da utilização deste exame, visando um planejamento mais coerente das ações de prevenção e promoção à saúde com as necessidades e direitos das mulheres.
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            Accuracy of self-report of mammography and Pap smear in a low-income urban population.

            Cancer screening history can often be obtained only by self-report, particularly for disadvantaged populations. We examined the accuracy of self-report of mammography and Pap smear for an urban, low-income population. Women attending non-primary care clinics (mostly surgery and orthopedics) at a large public teaching hospital in Minneapolis between July 1992 and May 1993 were queried about their screening history (n = 477). The women were interviewed by a trained peer-recruiter and asked whether they had ever heard of a Pap smear or mammogram, whether they had ever had one, where it was done, and when the last one was. We verified self-report by checking medical records where the test was performed. The positive and negative predictive value of recall of mammography in the previous year was 72.4% and 90.6%, respectively. The figures for Pap smear recall were somewhat lower, 65.5% and 85.9%, respectively. We found a record of a mammogram in 88% of women able to recall the year. Of these, slightly over two-thirds recalled their mammogram in the same year as their record indicated. Inaccurate recalls were more commonly of the "telescoping" type, i.e., tests were recalled as having occurred more recently than was the case. Recall was substantially better for recent tests. Results for Pap smear recalls were broadly similar. The accuracy of self-report of mammography and Pap smear is relatively poor for medical practice but is acceptable in population surveys with appropriate correction for overreporting.
              • Record: found
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              Atlas de Mortalidade por Câncer no Brasil, 1979-1999


                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Cadernos de Saúde Pública
                Cad. Saúde Pública
                Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro )
                : 19
                : suppl 2
                : S303-S313
                [1 ] Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
                [2 ] Universidade de São Paulo Brazil



                SciELO Brazil

                Self URI (journal page): http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0102-311X&lng=en
                Health Policy & Services

                Public health
                Papanicolaou Smear,Cervix Neoplasms,Women's Health,Esfregaço de Papanicolaou,Neoplasias do Colo Uterino,Saúde da Mulher


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