Intrinsic connections are likely to play important roles in cognitive information processing to in the prefrontal association cortex. To gain insight into the organization of these circuits, intracortical connections of major laminar and sublaminar divisions were retrogradely labeled in Walker's area 9 and 46 in rhesus monkeys by using cholera toxin (B‐subunit) conjugated to colloidal gold. Microinjections placed within particular cortical laminae produced unique patterns of retrograde labeling. Injections in layers II/III yielded labeling which was laterally widespread (2–7 mm) in supragranular layers, and more narrowly focused, i.e., conforming to a column, in layers IV–VI. In contrast, local circuits associated with layers IV and Vb displayed a regular, cylindrical organization, whereas intrinsic connections of layer Va were laterally extensive (3–5 mm) in layers III and Va. Finally, injections in layer VI gave rise to a narrow column of cell labeling traversing all layers, augmented by laterally extensive labeling (∼ 7 mm) in layer VI. The intrinsic connections of the prefrontal cortex were arrayed within mediolaterally elongated stripes which were often distributed asymmetrically in either the medial or lateral direction. In addition, labsled cells within these mediolaterally oriented fields were frequently grouped within discrete clusters or narrow bands. The intrinsic connections identified in this study differ from the local circuits of corresponding layers reported for primary visual cortex; the unique intrinsic wiring diagram of the prefrontal cortex may be related to its specialized cognitive and mnemonic functions. © 1995 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.