Location Based Services (LBS) has gained increasing popularity in major cities. Due to blocking from man-made structures, the existing Global Positioning System (GPS) could not satisfy LBS applications, especially in street canyon and indoor surroundings. This has lead to the development of Assisted GPS (A-GPS) which can provide better service availability and accuracy gain. In the conventional positioning method, Taylor series expansion is applied to solve non-linear distance equations. This method requires an initial estimation of A-GPS receiver’s position. This paper investigates the positioning method for LBS based on hybrid E-OTD/GNSS. The proposed positioning method is non-Taylor series based. Therefore, it involves less complicated mathematical expansion and substitution. A flexible LBS positioning tool is developed which can generate position information in convenient way. It supports both Taylor series and non-Taylor series based positioning methods. The obtained results showed that the proposed non-Taylor series based positioning method can achieve better positioning accuracy.