The purpose of our study was to investigate the incidence and prognostic significance of baseline and control uric acid values in COVID-19.
The study population included patients admitted with the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 between March 2020 and March 2021. The demographic data, clinical, laboratory, and radiological findings were recorded. Uric acid levels were measured at the time of admission for 498 patients and at the most severe period of the disease in 143 patients. Length of hospital stay, need for admission to intensive care unit, the course, and outcomes during hospitalization were recorded.
The mean age of 261 male and 207 female patients was 62.7(21-95) years. At the time of admission, 21 patients had hypouricemia and 170 had hyperuricemia. The need for ICU was 47.6% in the hypouricemic, 19.2% in the normouricemic, and 21.2% in the hyperuricemic groups. The mean uric acid level was 5.24±2.54 mg/dl in patients who required ICU admission and 5.18±1.98 mg/dl in patients who were discharged from the ward. The difference was not statistically significant. The mean uric acid level was not significantly different in the deceased and survivors. In 143 subjects, uric acid levels were measured after the progression of COVID-19; 73 of them were admitted to the ICU. The mean uric acid levels were found to be significantly decreased in patients with a negative prognosis