Herein, we report a hydrodefluorination reaction of polyfluoroarenes catalyzed by bismuthinidenes, Phebox-Bi(I) and OMe-Phebox-Bi(I). Mechanistic studies on the elementary steps support a Bi(I)/Bi(III) redox cycle that comprises C(sp 2)–F oxidative addition, F/H ligand metathesis, and C(sp 2)–H reductive elimination. Isolation and characterization of a cationic Phebox-Bi(III)(4-tetrafluoropyridyl) triflate manifests the feasible oxidative addition of Phebox-Bi(I) into the C(sp 2)–F bond. Spectroscopic evidence was provided for the formation of a transient Phebox-Bi(III)(4-tetrafluoropyridyl) hydride during catalysis, which decomposes at low temperature to afford the corresponding C(sp 2)–H bond while regenerating the propagating Phebox-Bi(I). This protocol represents a distinct catalytic example where a main-group center performs three elementary organometallic steps in a low-valent redox manifold.