Individuals diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) are at increased risk for future functional limitations as well as cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to estimate the age-, gender-, and ethnic-specific burden of PAD in the United States for the year 2000. Data were collected from seven community-based studies that assessed subjects for the presence of PAD using the ankle-brachial index (ABI). Using standardized weighting criteria, age-, gender-, and ethnic-specific prevalence rates were computed and then multiplied by the corresponding 2000 Census population totals to estimate the burden of PAD in the United States for that year. Evidence-based adjustments for studies which did not consider possible subclavian stenosis, prior revascularization for PAD, or both were employed. In 2000, it is conservatively estimated that at least 6.8 million (5.8%) individuals aged 40 years or older had PAD based on an ABI of less than 0.9 or previous revascularization for PAD, and that that there are an additional 1.7 million Americans with PAD but "normal" ABIs. Including this group gives a total of 8.5 million (7.2%) individuals with PAD. Roughly one in 16 individuals residing in the United States in 2000 who were aged 40 years and older had PAD. Clinicians are encouraged to screen for the presence of PAD using the ABI.