ABSTRACT Gender differences in behavior problems and their relationship with family burden in severe mental disorders were analyzed. The Behavior Problems Inventory (BPI) and two items related to family burden (FB 1: "Do you feel able to endure the illness or disorder and the problems it causes?" and FB 2: "How often are you overwhelmed by these behavior/illness problems?") were administered to 235 key informants under treatment in a community mental health unit. The results show that men presented more behavior problems and family burden, with significant differences in impulse dyscontrol and severe behavior problems. A positive correlation was found between behavior problems and family burden, where the inactivity/social withdrawal dimension was the best predictor of family load for men and women. We conclude that men have more behavior problems and that the inactivity/social withdrawal dimension has the most explanatory power for family burden in both men and women.
RESUMEN Se analizan las diferencias de género en problemas de conducta y su relación con la carga familiar en trastornos mentales graves. El Inventario de Problemas de Conducta (BPI) y dos ítems relativos a la carga familiar ("¿Se siente usted capaz de sobrellevar la enfermedad o trastorno y los problemas que ocasiona?" y "¿Con qué frecuencia se ve usted desbordado/a por estos problemas de comportamiento/enfermedad?") se administraron a 235 informantes clave de pacientes en tratamiento en una unidad de Salud Mental Comunitaria. Los hombres presentaban mayores problemas de conducta y carga familiar, existiendo diferencias significativas en descontrol de impulsos y en problemas de comportamiento graves. Se halla una correlación positiva entre problemas de comportamiento y carga familiar, siendo la dimensión inactividad/aislamiento social la mejor predictora de carga familiar. Respecto a la carga familiar, es la dimensión inactividad/aislamiento social la que posee mayor capacidad explicativa en hombres y mujeres.