Dear Editor,
Approaching the vitreous body is of paramount importance when treating a considerable
of eye diseases. Reports of primordial vitrectomy attempts have been noted since the
17th century,
but only starting from the early 1970s has the procedure achieved its modern
rationale and high standards.
The concept of vitrectomy involves a pars plana approach, where, as in abdominal
video-laparoscopic surgery, the vitreous cavity is reached by means of three trocars,
normally used for illumination, fluid infusion and surgical instruments. Substantial
advances ensued with the development of smaller gauge instrumentation, higher cutting
speeds, improved illumination, better microscopes and the use of perfluorocarbon liquids,
which significantly improved outcome, making pars plana vitrectomy the standard approach
the majority of vitreoretinal diseases.
Current limitations
Vitrectomy is now a remarkably reproducible, fast and clean procedure. However, whenever
we feel that everything is working smoothly, we run the risk of entering a comfort
and maybe ignoring the possibility of progress. We believe there are certain limiting
factors to this standard procedure that require careful attention.
These limiting factors mainly involve the fact that various instruments need to be
inserted and thereafter extracted, which might be necessary numerous times during
causing interruption and possible distraction, continuous changes of focus for the
surgeon, as well as consuming precious time. This kind of procedural sequence can
tedious, as in the case of long interventions, or following complications that might
require rapid countermeasures.
The interruptions can indeed be deleterious. As an expert surgeon generally plans
subsequent step in advance, any kind of distraction may block this stream of thought.
the procedure has been paused, the surgeon needs to re-insert the instruments into
trocars. This involves abandoning the microscope eyepiece, selecting a new instrument,
focusing on the operating field, inserting the desired probe and then returning to
microscope with its previous focus. This can be tiring, particularly for presbyopic
operators, and moreover demanding in the presence of conjunctival chemosis, dim theatre
lights or dazzling reflexes.
Finally, the abovementioned facts are time-consuming. Time is a priceless resource,
no one understands this better than the surgeon, who might have to deal with a leaking
blood vessel or a ballooning choroidal detachment. Prompt reactions can be decisive
certain situations, hence precious time cannot be wasted.
What is the concept behind this innovative multiprobe designed to carry out virtually
vitreoretinal procedure? Its main advantage is the combination of more than one surgical
instrument in a single probe, hence the name multiprobe. Its objective is
to reach the vitreous cavity at the start of surgery and to use the same multiprobe
throughout the entire operation without ever leaving the eye. The multiprobe is equipped
with a solid cannula, which needs to be inserted intraocularly using standard trocars.
surgical instruments are thereafter fitted into the probe’s handheld housing (Figure
1), from which a selector can
extrude the desired device through the cannula to reach the vitreous cavity. When
surgeon needs a different instrument, extraction of the multiprobe is not required,
simply external selection (via a pedal or nurse-guided remote control) to carry out
instrument switch. The instrument being used (e.g. cutter) is thus retracted and is
replaced by another (e.g. forceps).
Figure 1.
Multiprobe rendering. Three-dimensional rendering of the multiprobe, with captions.
(a) Front view. (b) Transparent skeletonized model. (c) Back view.
Changing instruments is totally automatic and mechanized, requiring a simple command.
As often happens with innovations, our concept might appear intuitive or maybe even
obvious. Naturally, we are not claiming to be pioneers of vitreoretinal surgery, although
we strongly believe the idea of grouping together and automating instrument exchange
to be
both smart and innovative.
Surgical manoeuvres will logically become (1) considerably faster, reducing critical
time-gaps for the precise control of eventual complications and accurate fluid exchange
(fluid aspiration through retinotomies and instantaneous laser retinopexy); (2)
significantly less exhausting, as the surgeon will avoid the cumbersome sequences
in instrument switching; (3) much cleaner, as the risk of external contamination caused
continuous exchange is reduced.
Other indirect advantages need to be considered. We are now experiencing the thrill
the three-dimensional intervention, where surgery is progressively moving towards
heads-up approach.
In this eyepiece-free scenario, surgeons have two operating fields: the ultrawide
high-definition monitor and the ‘naked’ patient’s eye. The exchange of instruments
requires even more strenuous effort than before. We feel an automatic multiprobe is
essential for this ergonomic change, as this revolution might otherwise seem
Furthermore, we feel the future of vitreoretinal surgery will be unable to overlook
robotic support.
Although in its infancy,
it is already a reality that rightfully represents the next generation. We wonder
if our
multiprobe might be also integrated with an optical coherence tomography-distance
to the tip of the probe, that has been already evaluated clinically in a robot-assisted
How can we imagine robot-assisted surgery without mechanized automatic
A mention to the possible disadvantages must be acknowledged. First, handling a heavier
probe may decrease the dexterity and increase fatigue. About that, we disclose the
weight of the single instruments is remarkably low, hence their combination (moreover
a single casing for all) is expected to remain relatively handy. Furthermore, a slightly
heavier probe may not necessarily affect precision as it can favour stability and
Second, the augmented mechanization may raise the chance of malfunctions. This is
unavoidably correct, but it should be disclosed that the innovative aspect of the
automation relies on the insertion–extrusion mechanism, more than on the functioning
the single instruments, that actually remains unchanged. We hence believe this potential
risk remains manageable, and, above all, harmless for the biological tissues.
Finally, it can be presumed the multiprobe may increase the costs. This might be
reasonable, but this issue requires a more extended and comprehensive analysis of
benefit–cost ratio, including those abovementioned, more than a mere calculation of
single probe’s costs.
Our intention was not to invent a new surgical instrument but to propose an idea based
situations we regularly face in the operating room. Despite the engineering and design
process are at present under development, its specifications go way beyond the scope
of the
present description. Although numerous studies are required to verify the efficacy
of our
proposal, we strongly believe that the use of a multiprobe would be more effective,
and even safer than current standard procedures. We hope the multiprobe will help
mesmerizing world of vitreoretinal surgery take yet another revolutionary step forward.