One of the important ways of social interaction is through verbal and nonverbal communication. The human face is capable of eliciting multi-response according to the situation; amongst them, a smile plays a significant effect in relaying a positive communication that can immensely influence societal outcomes. An important part of dental treatment is to restore the tooth to functionality and to esthetically rehabilitate it, which forms the core of esthetic dentistry. Modern advancements have led us to various esthetic treatment options. Recently, due to the boom of information technology, we are progressing into the digital age where everything has almost been made through computers and the internet. In the dental field, advanced software is being used to modify and create smiles, thereby completely revolutionizing esthetic dentistry. Digital smile design is a recently introduced concept and software which analyzes the smile of an individual through various input scanners and photographs. They provide a plethora of solutions and predictions as to how the smile can be designed, to the point it can pinpoint minor corrections. Here, we discuss the importance of smiles and the analysis using digital smile design.