In the practice of medicine, multiple scores and prognostic systems have been developed
to quantify disease severity, assess prognosis, and guide therapeutic interventions.
Glasgow Coma Scale, the Model for End Stage Liver Disease (MELD), and the American
Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification are but a few examples.
Heterogeneity in the practice of intensive care medicine, the high cost of care, the
very real chance of death in intensive care units (ICUs), and the desire to make
comparisons between ICUs have prompted the development and refinement of ICU-specific
prognostic systems.(1-7)
Scoring systems may be generic or disease-specific, may be used for cohort analysis
individual patient assessment, can be based on physiologic derangement or resource
allocation, and may be simple or complex. In critical care practice, two major
categories of scoring systems exist. Organ failure scores (e.g., the Sequential Organ
Failure Assessment, SOFA) describe a patient's physiologic derangements by organ system
to provide an objective assessment of the extent and severity of organ dysfunction.
other major category is the severity-of-illness prognostic model, a discussion of
will occupy the majority of this commentary. These systems (e.g., the Acute Physiology
and Chronic Health Evaluation, APACHE) use physiologic data, pre-morbid conditions
information regarding the nature of the current illness to predict the likelihood
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment: an organ dysfunction score
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome is a major cause of ICU morbidity and mortality.
The extent and severity of organ dysfunction may be quantified in a number of organ
dysfunction scores, the most prominent of which is the SOFA.(8) Originally designed
to be used in
patients with sepsis, the SOFA is now used in all patient groups. Daily scores can
be calculated and used to track the degree of organ dysfunction throughout a
patient's ICU stay - in contrast to generic prognostic systems, which are designed
to give a prediction based on the first ICU day alone. Scores between 0 and 4 are
assigned to each of the cardiovascular, respiratory, hepatic, hematologic,
neurologic and renal systems, depending on the degree of derangement, and are summed
to yield a total SOFA score. Such scores were not originally designed to predict
mortality, but high absolute scores and an increase in a score within the first 96
hours of ICU care are associated with increased risk of death.(9)
Intensive care unit severity of illness prognostic scoring systems (e.g., APACHE,
There are three major generic ICU prognostic systems: the APACHE, the SAPS
(Simplified Acute Physiology Score) and the MPM (Mortality Probability
Model).(10-13) After first being described in the 1980s, the
models have been updated over time, and their most recent iterations are the APACHE
IV, SAPS 3, and MPM III. Table 1 provides
details of the most recent versions. The systems use data from acute physiology,
acute diagnoses, chronic health conditions, and the characteristics of the index ICU
admission to predict hospital mortality. The SAPS and MPM0 are calculated
from data available within 1 hour of ICU admission and therefore reflect the
severity of illness upon admission. The APACHE and MPM24 are calculated
from data available within the first 24 hours of ICU admission. The APACHE is more
complicated - and more accurate - than the SAPS, which in turn is more complicated
and more accurate than the MPM.(14) A number of other generic prognostic systems have
developed in specific geographical areas (e.g., Intensive Care National Audit &
Research Centre - ICNARC in the United Kingdom and Australian and New Zealand Risk
of Death - ANZROD in Australia and New Zealand).(15,16)
Table 1
Study characteristics, performance and variables of the most recent versions
of the most prominent prognostic models
Study population
Study period
January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003
October 14 to December 15, 2002
October 2001 to March 2004
Geographic regions
35 countries, 5 continents
Number of ICUs
Number of hospitals
Variables in the model
Time of data collection
First 24 hours of ICU admission
± 1 hour of ICU admission
Within 1 h of ICU admission
HL C statistic
11.62 (abs 10.94)
Predictor variables
Length of hospital stay
before ICU admission
Type of ICU
ICU admission
CPR before ICU
Reasons for ICU
admission/acute diagnosis
Surgical status at ICU
Anatomical site of
Acute infection at ICU
Vasoactive drug
Clinical physiologic
Laboratory physiologic
APACHE - Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; SAPS -
Simplified Acute Physiology Score; MPM - Mortality Probability Model;
ICU - intensive care unit; AUC - area under the receiver operating
characteristic curve; HL - Hosmer-Lemeshow; SMR - standardized mortality
ratio; CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Source: Afessa B, Gajic O,
Keegan MT. Severity of illness and organ failure assessment in adult
intensive care units. Crit Care Clin. 2007;23:639-58.
Methodology for the development of prognostic scoring systems
The outcome of interest, the dependent variable, is usually chosen
to be mortality - ICU mortality, hospital mortality, or 28-day mortality, for
example.(17,18) The binary (or dichotomous)
nature of this variable allows the use of logistic regression techniques in model
development, although other techniques, including Bayesian analysis, Cox binary
regression and neural nets may also be used. Predictor
(independent) variables, which should be routinely available, exist
independently from intervention and be reliable, are chosen based on analytic
techniques or (less commonly) expert consensus. Such variables include, for example,
age, pH, and the presence or absence of cirrhosis. In a logistic regression
analysis, predictor variables (denoted by X) are linked to the probability of death)
by a series of coefficients (denoted by β) as follows:
Natural logarithm (ln) of the odds of death = β0 +
β1(X1) + β2(X2) +
β3(X3) + ...
The odds ratio of death for each unit increase in the variable Xn is
eβn. The coefficients of the logistic function are determined
by statistical analyses, with their signs and magnitudes providing indications of
the directions and strengths of association, respectively. For the prediction of
non-dichotomous variables (e.g., ICU length of stay [LOS]), a linear regression
model is used. Inclusion of a greater number of variables in the model usually
provides increased predictive accuracy, but at the cost of increased burden of data
collection. There should be at least 10 "events" (deaths) for each predictor
variable in the model. Ideally, a highly accurate but parsimonious model with few
predictor variables is desired. Models that have been developed on large
multi-institutional databases and validated on separate datasets are preferred.
Assessment of model performance
Model performance should be assessed through the evaluation of discrimination and
calibration. Discrimination quantifies the accuracy of a given
prediction. For example, if a prognostic system predicts a mortality of 80% for a
cohort of patients with a certain APACHE IV score, discrimination is perfect if 80%
of that group of patients die. The area under a receiver operating characteristic
curve (AUC) is used as a measure of discrimination.(19) Perfect discrimination will
give rise to an AUC
of 1; an AUC of 0.5 signifies that the model prediction is no better than
Calibration is a measure of how well a particular model performs over a wide range
predicted mortalities. It is evaluated by the Hosmer-Lemeshow (HL) goodness of fit
statistic, which is calculated by grouping a cohort of patients into deciles of
predicted risk and comparing the observed to predicted mortalities across deciles
give a chi-square statistic. A p-value greater than 0.05 (i.e., non-significant)
implies good calibration. The HL statistic is affected by sample size.(20) Some investigators
have proposed
the calibration belt as an alternative method to assess a model's
calibration.(21) The
calibration belt uses a generalized polynomial logistic function between the outcome
and the logit transformation of the estimated probability, providing information on
the direction, extent, and risk classes affected by deviations between the observed
and predicted mortality (Figure 1).
Figure 1
Calibration belt for the Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3.
Standardized mortality ratios with their 95% confidence intervals. The
degree of the polynomial, the Wald statistics results and the number of
patients are given in the upper-left quadrant. In the lower right
quadrant, the times the calibration belt significantly deviates from the
bisector using 80% (light gray area) and 95% (dark gray boundaries)
confidence levels are reported. Courtesy: Dr. Pedro Brasil.
Accuracy refers to the difference between predictions and observed outcomes at the
level of individual patients and may be measured by the Brier score, which measures
the average squared deviation between predicted probabilities for a set of events
and their outcomes.
Changes in clinical practice and in case mix lead to the deterioration of prognostic
performance over time.(22) In
addition, models may perform suboptimally in certain geographic regions or patient
populations. Customization is the process by which a model is modified to improve
its accuracy, either by altering the coefficients in the equation
(1st-level customization) or changing the variables (2nd-level
customization). For example, the original description of SAPS 3 provided customized
equations for different geographic regions (e.g., South America, Eastern Europe) to
optimize its performance in those regions. The ability to compare different ICUs,
institutions, or countries is compromised if customized models are used in each
location because customization limits a model's external validity. Nonetheless, the
technique is an attractive alternative to the onerous process of developing and
validating a new prognostic model.
Standardized ratios
The ratio of observed mortality to the prognostic scoring system-predicted mortality
of a cohort of patients is the standardized mortality ratio (SMR), and it should be
reported with a 95% confidence interval. The SMR is widely used to evaluate
performance because mortality is the most objective outcome measure and is not prone
to error. If the 95% CI of the SMR includes 1, the performance of the institution
unit is considered average. If the 95% CI does not include 1, SMRs less than 1 and
greater than 1 are considered indicative of good and poor performances,
respectively. However, the SMR is not a perfect measure; in addition to differences
in the quality of care, it may be influenced by the accuracy of the prognostic
model, artifacts of data collection or analysis, case mix, lead-time bias, and
inter-rater reliability. Other outcome measures (e.g., duration of mechanical
ventilation, ICU LOS) are also suitable for the calculation of observed-to-predicted
ratios. Specifically for resource use (using ICU LOS as a proxy), some investigators
have used a different approach to assess the standardized severity-adjusted resource
use (SRU) for each individual ICU. In this case, SRU estimates the average amount
resources used per surviving patient in a specific ICU.(23)
Uses of prognostic scoring systems
Mortality rates, adjusted based on the predictions of mortality provided by
prognostic scoring systems, are increasingly used to compare the quality of care
provided by different ICUs and hospitals. These "severity-adjusted mortality rates"
can be used for "benchmarking" against similar institutions or
institutions recognized to be high-performing to identify institutional deficiencies
in clinical outcome and highlight areas for improvement. Third-party payors may use
severity-adjusted mortality rates as one criterion for choosing health care
providers, and performance data can facilitate the accreditation process by external
agencies. Within the same organization, comparisons of care among different ICUs can
be made, and a single unit's performance over time may be evaluated to highlight
evolving changes in the quality of care. Prognostic systems may serve as tools for
evaluating the impact of new therapies or organizational changes as part of
quality improvement initiatives. From a resource
use standpoint, such systems may help to identify a cohort of ICU
patients with low mortality risk who could be managed in a non-ICU setting, such as
a progressive care ("step down") unit and may also assist with end-of-life decision
making.(24,25) Prognostic models may help answer ICU outcomes
research questions and may aid with risk stratification of patients for entry into
clinical trials, although this latter approach is controversial because of
calculation complexity, timing, and inter-observer variability.(26) Completed trials
may be subject
to post-hoc analyses using risk stratification of subgroups, leading to the
generation of further hypotheses.
Limitations to the use of prognostic models for clinical decision support
Although there are numerous examples of the use of prognostic models to make
decisions for individual patients (e.g., use of the Model for End-Stage Liver
Disease [MELD] score for organ allocation for liver transplantation), such use is
not without problems.(27)
Prognostic scoring systems perform best at a cohort level. For example, in a cohort
of 1000 patients with a predicted mortality of 90%, 100 patients will, on average,
survive - despite a predicted mortality of 90% for any individual patient. These 100
patients will have confirmed, rather than undermined, the validity of the model. In
addition to the inherent uncertainty concerning prediction in individual patients,
even the best clinically useful models have AUCs no higher than 0.9, implying
imperfection even for cohort outcome prediction. Furthermore, model performance may
be hampered by the non-availability of all data required for score calculation -
missing data are counted as normal - and by errors in collecting and entering data,
as well as patient preferences for life-support.(14,28)
Barriers to widespread acceptance of prognostic models include the cost of the
information technology infrastructure required to acquire data for complex models,
clinician resistance because of perceived superiority of their own estimates of
patient survival or their disregard for the model's relevance for their patients,
and the focus on prediction of mortality rather than functional outcome, such as
quality of life years.
The future
Updated versions of the major prognostic systems are expected and will be welcome.
potentially more use, however, will be innovative models that may be derived through
advances made possible by the era of "big data", including "machine learning"
algorithms and dynamic reassessments of outcome predictions.(29,30) Widespread implementation
of electronic medical records,
coupled with techniques of big data analytics pioneered in the retail and banking
industries, may ultimately allow reliable, well-presented, patient-level prediction
of functional outcomes. Furthermore, we may be close to a scenario wherein
clinicians will trust such predictions and accept computer-generated risk mitigation
or "course correction" strategies.