]Archéozoologie, Archéobotanique: Sociétés, Pratiques et Environnements (AASPE), UMR
7209, CNRS, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France
]Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science, American School of Classical
Studies, Souidias 54, 10676 Athens, Greece
]Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation (CRC), Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle,
CNRS, Ministère de la Culture, CP 21, 36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 75005 Paris,
]Centre de recherche en Paléontologie Paris, UMR7207, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle,
CNRS, Sorbonne Université, 8 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
]ISNI 0000 0001 2174 9334, GRID grid.410350.3, DGD-REVE, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, 17 Place du Trocadéro, bureau E205,
; 75016 Paris, France
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 1389, GRID grid.418333.e, Vasile Pârvan, Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy, ; 11 Henri Coandă Street, Bucarest, Romania
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 914X, GRID grid.266818.3, Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas/Desert Research Institute,
; Reno, Nevada USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2326 1930, GRID grid.463799.6, Archéologies et Sciences de l’Antiquité (Arscan), UMR 7041 CNRS, Université de Paris
Nanterre, Paris I, ; 92023 Nanterre, France
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9094, GRID grid.40263.33, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University, ; Box 1837, 60 George Street, Providence, RI 02912 USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 0697 0401, GRID grid.424647.7, Ephorate of Palaeoanthropology and Speleology, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports,
Ardittou 34B, ; 11636 Athens, Greece
]ISNI 0000 0001 0666 1211, GRID grid.411301.6, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, ; Mashhad, Iran
]Paleolithic Department, National Museum of Iran, Tehran, Iran
]ISNI 0000000121885934, GRID grid.5335.0, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge, ; Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DZ UK
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7371, GRID grid.1020.3, Archaeology, School of HASS, University of New England, ; Armidale, NSW 2351 Australia
]Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT), Iranian Center for Archaeological
Research (ICAR), Tehran, Iran
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9721, GRID grid.7839.5, Near Eastern Archaeology, Institute für Archäologie Wissenschaften, Johann Wolfgang
Goethe Universität, ; Frankfurt am Main, Germany
]Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB), UMR 7205, Muséum national
d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Université, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Université
des Antilles, CNRS, Paris, France
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9668, GRID grid.5685.e, BioArCh, Department of Archaeology, University of York, ; York, YO10 5DD UK
]ISNI 0000 0001 0728 4630, GRID grid.17236.31, Institute for the Modelling of Socio-Environmental Transitions, Bournemouth University,
Talbot Campus, ; Poole, BH12 5BB UK
]ISNI 0000 0001 2192 7591, GRID grid.453560.1, Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution,
; Washington, District of Columbia USA
]ISNI 000000041936877X, GRID grid.5386.8, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Corson Hall, Cornell University, ; Ithaca NY, 14853-2701 USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8948, GRID grid.4991.5, Palaeogenomics and Bio-Archaeology Research Network, School of Archaeology, University
of Oxford, ; Oxford, OX1 3TG UK
]ISNI 0000 0001 2188 7059, GRID grid.462058.d, Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution (ISEM), UMR 4554, CNRS, IRD, EPHE, Université
de Montpellier, ; Montpellier, France
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