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          ABSTRACT: Lesson Study (LS) is a professional development model that Japanese teachers have been utilizing for over a century. Although several scholars have proclaimed the benefits of adopting LS in international educational systems, it is still unclear how LS has been used and how it should be implemented in cultures beyond Japan. To shed light on the theme, a Systematic Review was conducted aiming to (1) identify specific features of LS practices as they are developed in different settings, (2) verify and analyze what cultural aspects may have impacted the implementation of LS, and (3) verify and develop an analysis of challenges for the use of successful practices of LS in international contexts. 5 international academic databases were searched to identify 28 publications. This investigation provides multiple evidence of the fast global spread of LS and reveals that some key adaptations or redesigns are conducted so that LS meets local needs and conditions. It argues that time constraints, financial support, search for quick results, and inclusion of knowledgeable others are critical aspects that should be considered when introducing LS to a new context. Finally, this study suggests further avenues for research to deepen the understanding of how the LS movement should be properly implemented in different contexts outside Japan.


          RESUMO: Lesson Study (LS) é um modelo de desenvolvimento profissional utilizado há mais de um século por professores japoneses. Embora vários especialistas tenham proclamado os benefícios da adoção do LS em sistemas educacionais internacionais, ainda não está claro como o LS tem sido utilizado e como deveria ser implementado em culturas fora do Japão. Para aprofundar as discussões sobre o tema, foi realizada uma Revisão Sistemática com os objetivos de (1) identificar características específicas das práticas de LS desenvolvidas em diferentes contextos, (2) verificar e analisar quais aspectos culturais podem ter impactado a implementação de LS, e (3) verificar e analisar quais são os desafios apontados na literatura para o desenvolvimento de práticas exitosas de LS em contextos internacionais. 28 publicações foram identificadas para a análise em 5 bases de dados acadêmicas internacionais. Esta pesquisa revela várias evidências a respeito da rápida disseminação do LS em ambientes internacionais e aponta as principais adaptações ou redesenhos implementados ao modelo LS para que este atenda às necessidades e condições locais. Os dados demonstram que a restrição de tempo, o apoio financeiro, a busca por resultados rápidos e a inclusão de especialistas são aspectos críticos que devem ser considerados na introdução de LS em um novo contexto. Por fim, foram extraídas implicações educacionais bem como sugestões para futuras pesquisas para ampliar a compreensão de como o movimento LS deve ser implementado adequadamente em diferentes contextos fora do Japão.


          RESÚMEN: Estudios de Clases (EC) es un modelo de desarrollo profesional utilizado durante más de un siglo por los profesores japoneses. Aunque varios expertos han proclamado los beneficios de adoptar EC en los sistemas educativos internacionales, aún no está claro cómo se ha utilizado EC y cómo debe implementarse en culturas fuera de Japón. Para profundizar las discusiones sobre el tema, se realizó una Revisión Sistemática con los objetivos de (1) identificar características específicas de las prácticas de EC desarrolladas en diferentes contextos, (2) verificar y analizar qué aspectos culturales pueden haber impactado la implementación de EC, y (3) verificar y analizar cuáles son los desafíos identificados en la literatura para el desarrollo de prácticas exitosas de EC en contextos internacionales. Se identificaron 28 publicaciones para su análisis en 5 bases de datos académicas internacionales. Esta investigación revela varias evidencias sobre la rápida difusión del EC en entornos internacionales y señala las principales adaptaciones o rediseños implementados al modelo LS para que responda a las necesidades y condiciones locales. Los datos demuestran que las limitaciones de tiempo, el apoyo económico, la búsqueda de resultados rápidos y la inclusión de especialistas son aspectos críticos que se deben considerar al introducir el EC en un nuevo contexto. Finalmente, se extrajeron implicaciones educativas, así como sugerencias para futuras investigaciones para ampliar la comprensión de cómo el movimiento de EC debería implementarse adecuadamente en diferentes contextos fuera de Japón.

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          Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement

          Systematic reviews should build on a protocol that describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review; few reviews report whether a protocol exists. Detailed, well-described protocols can facilitate the understanding and appraisal of the review methods, as well as the detection of modifications to methods and selective reporting in completed reviews. We describe the development of a reporting guideline, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses for Protocols 2015 (PRISMA-P 2015). PRISMA-P consists of a 17-item checklist intended to facilitate the preparation and reporting of a robust protocol for the systematic review. Funders and those commissioning reviews might consider mandating the use of the checklist to facilitate the submission of relevant protocol information in funding applications. Similarly, peer reviewers and editors can use the guidance to gauge the completeness and transparency of a systematic review protocol submitted for publication in a journal or other medium.
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            • Article: not found

            Clarifying differences between review designs and methods

            This paper argues that the current proliferation of types of systematic reviews creates challenges for the terminology for describing such reviews. Terminology is necessary for planning, describing, appraising, and using reviews, building infrastructure to enable the conduct and use of reviews, and for further developing review methodology. There is insufficient consensus on terminology for a typology of reviews to be produced and any such attempt is likely to be limited by the overlapping nature of the dimensions along which reviews vary. It is therefore proposed that the most useful strategy for the field is to develop terminology for the main dimensions of variation. Three such main dimensions are proposed: (1) aims and approaches (including what the review is aiming to achieve, the theoretical and ideological assumptions, and the use of theory and logics of aggregation and configuration in synthesis); (2) structure and components (including the number and type of mapping and synthesis components and how they relate); and (3) breadth and depth and the extent of ‘work done’ in addressing a research issue (including the breadth of review questions, the detail with which they are addressed, and the amount the review progresses a research agenda). This then provides an overarching strategy to encompass more detailed descriptions of methodology and may lead in time to a more overarching system of terminology for systematic reviews.
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              How Should Research Contribute to Instructional Improvement? The Case of Lesson Study


                Author and article information

                (View ORCID Profile)
                (View ORCID Profile)
                (View ORCID Profile)
                Educação em Revista
                Educ. rev.
                FapUNIFESP (SciELO)
                : 40
                [1 ]Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brasil
                [2 ]Universidade do Oeste Paulista, Brasil
                © 2024






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