Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP sequence) is a rare condition of monochorionic twin pregnancies in which one twin does the work of supplying blood for both twins. The twin supplying blood is known as the ‘Pump twin’, the other twin is known as the ‘Acardiac twin’ – lacks a heart or has one that is not fully formed. Incidence is 1/35,000 births and 1/100 monochorionic twin pregnancies.
Herein, we report a case of TRAP sequence in an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) monochorionic twin pregnancy, which was successfully managed by intrauterine laser coagulation of the umbilical cord of the acardiac twin finally resulting in a live birth at 36 weeks of pregnancy.
Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence is a complication that is seen in monochorionic twin pregnancy, and it has a poor prognosis.