Os autores apresentam a proposta de utilização de fitas de nylon (braçadeiras) em cirurgias videoendoscópicas ou convencionais. Estas braçadeiras foram idealizadas para amarração de cabos elétricos. Efetuaram estudo experimental em ratos brancos (teste de comportamento biológico) e cães (ligaduras vasculares e de intestino) com bom resultado técnico e demonstrando escassa reação tecidual na presença deste material. Ficaram confirmadas a exeqüibilidade, a praticidade, a segurança e a economia na utilização das mesmas, sugerindo que possam ser aceitas como um método alternativo na prática cirúrgica.
Temporary use of "polyester strips" in conventional surgery was the subject of reports by Mies, S. and Raia, S. and by Cartaya R.C. et al. These strips, originally created to tie electric wires together have found a bological purpose such as their temporary use in liver surgery and for abdominal wall closure, without a previous histologic evaluation. The authors propose to make permanent use of these "polyester strips" in video-surgery, as well as in conventional surgery. Presently, hemostasis of large vessels, the restraining of anatomical structures or the presentation of the operatory field, can be carried out in videoendoscopic surgery, with materials already available and known to surgeons. The authors report the results obtained by testing the biological behavior of polyester strips carried out on white rats. They also report the applicability of the method, by means of ligature and section of mesenteric vessels, carried out on dogs. Histopathological analyses showed very low tissue reaction, suitable potential for vascular occlusion and mature fibrosis induction with absence of foreign body reaction. This analysis high lights the applicability, the technical simplicity, the safety and the low cost associated with the use of "polyester strips”. It is suggested that they should be accepted as one more alternative for surgical use.