- 1.
Oil & the spectacle of culture in Nigeria by Andrew Apter, Univ of Chicago Press, $24.
- 2.
State, power & new political actors in postcolonial Africa by Alessandro Triulzi & M. Christina Ercolessi (eds.), Fonadazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milan.
- 3.
African voices on development & social justice: editorials from Pambazuka news 2004, Firoze Manji & Patrick Burnett, Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Dar es Salaam, £17.95.
- 4.
Methods for development work & research: a new guide for practitioners by Britha Mikkelsen, Sage Publications.
- 5.
Rigged rules & double standards: trade, globalisation & the fight against poverty, OXFAM.
- 6.
Gender, development & Trade by Maree Keating (ed.), OXFAM.
- 7.
Mugged: poverty in your coffee cup, OXFAM.
- 8.
Violences et controle de la violence au Bresil, en Afrique et a Goa: dossier sous la direction de Camille Goirand, Lusotopie/Karthala.
- 9.
Rights & the politics of recognition in Africa by Harri Englund & Francis B. Nyamnjoh (eds.), ZED Books, £18.75.
- 10.
Rethinking the rise & fall of apartheid: South Africa & World Politics by Adrian Guelke, Macmillan, £18.99.
- 11.
Rural Resources & local livelihoods in Africa by Katherine Homewood (ed.), James Currey, £16.95.
- 12.
Undermining Development: the absence of power among local NGOs in Africa by Sarah Michael, James Currey.
- 13.
Witchcraft, violence & democracy in South Africa by Adam Ashforth, Univ. of Chicago Press, $25.
- 14.
Anti-apartheid: A History of the Movement in Britain: a study in pressure group politics by Roger Fieldhouse, Merlin Press, £20.
- 15.
Decentralization, democratic governance & civil society in comparative perspective: Africa, Asia & Latin America by Philip Oxhorn, Joseph S. Tulchin & Andrew D. Selee (eds.), Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, £39.95.
- 16.
Regulating Mining in Africa: for whose benefit? by Bonnie Campbell (ed.), Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Discussion paper 26, Uppsala, ££7.95.
- 17.
What went wrong with Africa: a contemporary history by Roel van der Veen, KIT Publishers, Amsterdam, £19.99.
- 18.
The Draft Treaty for the establishment of the East African Community: A critical review by Sengondo E.A. Mvungi (ed.), Dar es Salaam University Press, £14.95 via Africa Books Collective, Oxford.
- 19.
Trading away our rights: women working in global supply chains, OXFAM.
- 20.
Women reinventing globalisation by Joanna Kerr & Caroline Sweetman (ed.), OXFAM.
- 21.
Dirty aid, dirty water: The UK Government's push to privatise water & sanitation in poor countries, World Development Movement, London.
- 22.
Markets & States in tropical Africa: the political basis of agricultural policies by Robert Bates, University of California Press, £12.95.
- 23.
Searching for a different future: the rise of a global middle class in Morocco by Shana Cohen, Duke University Press.
- 24.
Caribbean security in the age of terror: challenge & change by Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith, Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston/Miami.
- 25.
Trade, development, cooperation: What future for Africa by Henning Melber (ed.), Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2005, £7.95, Uppsala (via Africa Book Centre, Covent Garden, London).