We are hoping to encourage debate on a wide range of issues affecting Africa. This could be debate of an ‘adversarial’ kind, with sharply different viewpoints, or debate in the form of differing perspectives as contributions to ongoing analysis. An example of the latter might be the two contributions on the Nile Water Treaty in Nos. 128 and 129. In No. 130, we carry a response to an earlier article on South Africa, which begs to differ on some aspects of the original article.
This can only be good for fostering critical analysis. It may be that contributors might feel that an issue has been neglected and that they would like to initiate a debate as a way of clarifying analysis and soliciting further evidence from other researchers and practitioners.
Whatever the reason, we hope that readers will feel that they can also participate. We welcome contributions that may well stir up controversy. Open debate remains one of the most productive ways of advancing our common understanding of the complexities and rapid change taking place in Africa, and of bringing insights from various disciplines to others across the continent.