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      Structural adjustment and agricultural pricing in Mozambique

      Review of African Political Economy
      Review of African Political Economy


            One of the main components in the structural adjustment programmes being introduced in Africa is that of agricultural price policy. This usually involves rises in producer prices, price deregulation or the tying of domestic producer prices more closely to international prices, or a mix of these approaches. Mozambique is currently being subjected to a virulent version of structural adjustment involving these types of price policy changes, while in the midst of a destabilisation war, and despite an already much weakened economy. This article looks at the development of agricultural pricing policy in Mozambique and the application of price policy changes under structural adjustment and draws out some of the points to be learned from the experience.


            Author and article information

            Review of African Political Economy
            Review of African Political Economy
            March 1992
            : 19
            : 53
            : 25-42
            8703937 Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 19, No. 53, March 1992, pp. 25-42

            All content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Articles published in the journal are distributed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

            Page count
            Figures: 0, Tables: 0, References: 20, Pages: 18
            Original Articles

            Sociology,Economic development,Political science,Labor & Demographic economics,Political economics,Africa

            Bibliographic Note

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            3. , The World Bank and Food Crop Marketing Policy – The Berg Report and After” GAMCO Discussion Paper No.1., Brighton , September 1987

            4. Commander Simon. , ed. 1989. . “‘Structural Adjustment & Agriculture’. ”. In ODI/James Currey/Heinemann . London :

            5. , The Development of Agricultural Pricing in Mozambique’ , GAMCO Research Report No.1., Brighton , May 1989

            6. , ‘Mozambique – An Introductory Economic Survey’ Report No.5610‐MOZ, 6 June 1985

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            8. , ‘People's Republic of Mozambique Strategy and Program for Economic Rehabilitation 1987–1990’ , Report Prepared for the Meeting of the Consultative Group for Mozambique, Paris , July 1987

            9. Francisco A., Ribeiro A.M., Pancas M. and Baptista B.. Novembro. 1987 . “‘Estudo do Sistema de Mercadode Horticolas e Frutas e Impacto da Liberalizacao dos Precos’. ”. Novembro. , Maputo :

            10. , ‘Structure and Performance of the Fruit and Vegetable Marketing System of Mozambique’ Preliminary Report, August 1987 .

            11. Relevant World Bank and IMF documents are: ‘Staff Report for the 1986 Article IV Consultation’ Prepared by the African Department and the Exchange and Trade Relations Department, IMF , 20 October 1986

            12. IBRD. . 28 November. 1987 . “‘Aide Memoire of the World Bank Mission to Review Progress of the Second Rehabilitation Credit’. ”. 28 November. ,

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            14. (1989a) “Mozambique: Policy Framework Paper 1989 to 1991’ , Sec M89–221, 21 Feb. 1989

            15. Relevant documents on the impact of the structural adjustment programme in Mozambique are: , ‘Country Report – Mozambique’ , SIDA, The Planning Secretariat , October 1988

            16. DEA. . November. 1988 . “‘Impacto do P.R.E. no Sector Campones’. ”. In Ministry of Agriculture/DEA . November. ,

            17. Adam Yussuf and Silva Teresa Cruz e. . Agosto. 1989 . “Mercados e Precos nas Zonas Rurais’. ”. In Centro dos Estudos Africanos (CEA) . , Agosto. , Maputo : : Universidade de Eduardo Mondlane. .

            18. SIDA/ AGRICOM. . January. 1990 . “Market Intervention and Price Policies for Agricultural Marketing in Mozambique’. ”. January. , Stockholm :

            19. , The Prices in Mozambican Agriculture – Some Observations’ Ministry of Agriculture/FAO , MOZ/86/007, Field Document No.l, Maputo , December 1987

            20. (1988b) ‘Price Prospects for Major Primary Commodities 1988–2000’ , November 1988 , Washington DC


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