Collapsed States: the Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority by William Zartman (ed) (1995), Lynne Reinner. ISBN 1-55587-518-1,1-55587-560-2.
The Reality of Aid 95 , Earthscan 1995, ISBN 1 85383 292 8.
Women in Micro- and Small-scale Enterprise Development by L Dignard, L & J Havet (eds) (1995), Westview Press and IT Publications. ISBN 0-8133-8894-5.
Development Studies: A Reader by S Corbridge (ed) (1995), Edward Arnold. ISBN 0 340 61452 8 (pb).
Land Law in Lesotho: the Politics of the 1979 Land Act by A S Franklin (1995), Avebury. ISBN 1 85628 976 1.
Africa in World Politics: Post-Cold War Challenges by J W Harbeson & D Rothchild (eds) (1995), Westview. ISBN 0-8133-2102-6, 0-8133-2103-4.
Democratisation and Demilitarisation in Lesotho: The General Election of 1993 and its Aftermath by R Southall & T Petlane (eds) (1995), Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria. ISBN 0-7983-0123-6.
Deconstructing Apartheid Discourse by Aletta J Norval (1996), Verso, ISBN 1-85984-125-2.
Ethnicity and Development in Nigeria by Okwudiba Nnoli (1995), Research in Ethnic Relations Series, Avebury. ISBN 1 85972 115 X.
Power of Development by Jonathan Crush (1995) (ed), Routledge. ISBN 0-415-11177-3.
Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism by Mahmood Mamdani (1996), Uganda (Fountain), South Africa (David Philip), London (James Currey). ISBN 9970-02-090-0.
Feinberg R. . 1985. . Between Two Worlds: The World Bank's Next Decade . , New Brunswick : : Transaction Books. .
George S and Sabelli F. . 1994. . Faith and Credit: the World Bank's Secular Empire . , Boulder : : Westview Press. .
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