Agenda for Africa's Economic Renewal , (1996), edited by Benno Ndulu and Nicolas van de Walle, Overseas Development Council, Washington: Transaction Publishers.
The Politics of Difference: Ethnic Premises in a World of Power (1996), edited by Edwin N. Wilson and Patrick McAllister, University of Chicago Press.
Decolonisation and African Society: the Labor Question in French and British Africa (1996) by Frederick Cooper, Cambridge University Press.
Limits of Adjustment in Africa: the Effects of Economic Liberalisation, 1986–94 (1996), edited by Poul Engberg‐Pederson, Peter Gibbon, Phil Raikes, Lars Udsholt. James Currey/Heinneman, Centre for Development Research: Copenhagen.
From Bad Policy to Chaos in Somalia: How an Economy Fell Apart(1996) , Jamil Abdalla Mubarak, Praeger, Westport, Conn. 181pp. Distributed by Eurospan, at £42.50. Reviewed by Chris Allen.