Zaïre's transition to the Third Republic (1990–1997) was characterised by the decline of the national currency and the economy's partial dollarisation. This article describes the origins of the different types of cambistes(informal money exchange brokers). It argues that the evolution of the market of foreign currency is not only determined by changes in economic opportunities, but also by different kinds of social identity the cambisteshave adopted. More generally, insight is gained into the social re‐structuration of the market in an almost stateless society.
Carron Loesje. . 1995. . stageverslag Zaïre . , UFSIA‐Faculty of Applied Economics. .
De Herdt Tom. . 1995. . Transcription des interviews, faites entre 19–29 mai 1995 et révision des hypothèses initiales . , (Working Paper). UFSIA‐Centre for Development Studies. .
Nana Ndana and Mungandji Iyenda. . 1995. . dépouillement des résultats de l'enquête sur le terrain . , Vol. 3 vols. , Kinshasa : : Facultés Catholiques de Kinshasa. .
Ndongala Tadi. . 1994. . Désarticulation monétaire et vie économique: idées initiales et méthode de recherche . , (Working Paper). Antwerp : : UFSIA‐Centre for Development Studies. .