Settlers in colonial Australia resorted initially to traditional methods of vermin control inherited from Europe, namely, trapping and hunting. The magnitude of the problem required eventually the development of novel, more sophisticated and considerably more costly technologies.
The term ‘vermin’ is used here in a broad sense to include all species of fauna regarded by the Australian settlers as being destructive of domestic stock, crops and pastures. In short, the predatory dingo, the larger herbivores and the rabbit.
Morris E. E.. 1888. . Cassel's Picturesque Australasia . , p. 220 London : : Cassel. .
Sinclair W. A.. 1971. . Was labour scarce in the 1830s? . Australian Economic History Review . , Vol. XI((2)): 119
New South Wales Legislative Council Votes & Proceedings (NSW, V & P) 1843, Vol. I, p.849: Immigration Committee, Evidence of Benjamin Boyd.
Rolls E.. 1981. . A Million Wild Acres . , p. 177 Melbourne : : Nelson. .
NSW, V & P, 1849, Vol. II, P. 492: Select Committee on Catarrh in Sheep, Evidence of John Francis Macarthur.
NSW, V & P, 1852, p.1, 375: Report from the Select Committee on the Destruction of the Native Dog.
Charles D. Young and Company, Description of Iron and Wire Fences Adapted Specially for Australia, London, n.d. [c. 1851], p.4.
Curr E. M.. 1883. . Recollections of Squatting in Victoria . , p. 184 Melbourne : : George Robertson. .
Boldrewood R.. 1866. . A kangaroo drive. . The Cornhill Magazine . , Vol. XIV: July-December;: 744
Curr, op. cit., p. 185.
Charles D. Young and Company, op. cit., p.4.
Ibid, pp.4, 29.
Alice Cerutty M.. 1977. . Tyntynder . , p. 71––2. . Kilmore : : Lowden. .
The Australian Encyclopaedia, Sydney, 1965, IV, 35.
Donal C. M.. 1967. . “Innovations in Australian agriculture’;. ”. In Agriculture in the Australian Economy . , Edited by: Williams D. B.. p. 78 Sydney : : Sydney University Press. .
Victoria, Parliamentary Debates 1883, 2nd Session, Vol. XLIII, pp.451–4.
Butlin N. G.. 1971. . Investment in Australian Economic Development, 1861–1900 . , p. 100 Canberra : : Cambridge University Press. .
Victoria, Parliamentary Debates, 1883, 2nd Session, Vol. XLIII, pp.451–4.
The Australasian Pastoralists’ Review, 15 January, 1982.
Cerutty, op. cit., pp.70–71.
The Argus, 22 August, 1885.
James Bonwick. . 1970. . Western Victoria . , Edited by: Sayers C. E.. p. 44 Melbourne : : Heineman. .
Schedvin C. B.. 1970. . Rabbits and industrial developments; Lysaght Brothers & Co. Pty Ltd, 1884 to 1929. . Australian Economic History Review . , Vol. X((1)): 34 Cf.op. cit.
The Australasian Pastoralists’ Review, 15 April, 1892.
Vernona A.. 1899. . Estate Fences . , p. 240 London : : Spon. .
Australasian Pastoralists’ Review, 15 April, 1892.
Sydney Morning Herald, 7 January, 1892.
Dowling W. G.. 1903. . Pastoral pursuit. . Agricultural Gazette of N.S.W. . , Vol. XIV((pt. 7)) July;: 590
Australasian Pastoralists’ Review, 14 May, 1892.
Ibid, 15 April 1892 and 16 March, 1896.
Ibid., 16 March, 1896.
Ibid., 15 April, 1892.
Ibid., 14 May, 1892.
Sydney Morning Herald, 7 January, 1982.