Teleconferencing makes possible the communication of persons or groups at two or more different locations. If all participants are present simultaneously, it is classed as synchronous. In contrast, asynchronous teleconferencing offers store-and-forward options, and enables meetings to extend over time. Teleconferencing is viewed within the wider framework of its integration with associated forms of electronic technology, in particular, the ‘Decision Conference’; and consideration is given to the challenge this poses to a firm. Does its successful implementation require major re-structuring of the firm's existing organization? Are the synergic benefits gained by the new technologies influential in serving to integrate formerly discrete functions?
R. Johansen and C. Bullen, ‘Thinking ahead; What to expect from teleconferencing’, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1984, p. 166.
Dictionary of Computing, 2nd edition, Oxford University University Press, 1986.
Kenneth L. Kraemer and John L. King, Computer Supported Conference Rooms: Final Report of a State of the Art Study, prepared for Gesellschaft für Mathematik and Datenverarbeitung MBH Bonn, Arbeitspapiere der GMD, 81, January 1984, pp. 8–14.
Johansen and Bullen, op. cit. p. 165. See also: Robert Johansen, Teleconferencing and Beyond: Communication in the Office of the Future, McGraw-Hill, Data Communications Division, 1984, pp. 122–123, and R. A. Cowan, Teleconferencing: Maximizing Human Potential, Prentice-Hall, 1984, Chapter 12.
Kraemer and King, op. cit. p. 9.
Preston P.. 1987. . “Technology waves and the future sources of employment and wealth creation in Britain. ”. In The Development of High Technology Industries; An International Survey . , Edited by: Breheny M. J. and McQuaid R. W.. p. 101 London : : Croom Helm. .
ibid. p. 103.
ibid. p. 102.
Dutton B. G.. 1986. . Introducing information technology: experiences of a large industrial unit. . ASLIB Proceedings . , Vol. 38((11/12)) November/December;: 410
Ryan R. J.. “TAFE and information technology. ”. In Technological Change: Impact of Information Technology 1986 . , Edited by: Goldsworthy A. W.. p. 46 Canberra : : National Information Technology Council. .
R. Black, ‘Teleconferencing: Send you image, not yourself, Science Digest, March 1984, p. 51.
A. Pavey, ‘Beam me up Scottie: The latest advances in telecommunications’, Australian Accountant, September 1986, p. 60.
Black, op. cit., p. 51.
See J.W. Ulvila and R.V. Brown, ‘Decision analysis comes of age’, Harvard Business Review, September/October, 1982.
L. Arnold, M.P., ‘Government strategy for industry development: The South Australian viewpoint’ in Goldsworthy, op. cit., p. 10.
ibid., p. 9.