See Committee of Review into Australian Industrial Relations Law and Systems, Report, Vol. 2, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1985, pp. 76–82.
Ewer P., Higgins W. and Stevens A.. 1987. . Unions and the Future of Austalian Manufacturing . , p. 21 Sydney : : Allen and Unwin. .
Davis E. M.. 1987. . “Roles of Australian unions in industrial relations. ”. In Australian Labour Relations: Readings . , 4th ed. , Edited by: Ford G. W., Hearn J. M. and Lansbury R. D.. p. 288 Melbourne : : Macmillan. .
For instance, government and union satisfaction with the Accord was indicated at both the 1983 and 1985 ACTU Congresses. See E. M. Davis, ‘The 1983 ACTU Congress: consensus rules OK!’, Journal of Industrial Relations, 25, 4, 1983, pp. 507-516 and E.M. Davis, ‘The 1985 ACTU Congress: consensus 2’, Journal of Industrial Relations, 27, 4, 1985, pp. 592–603.
The Mission union members were Bill Kelty, John MacBean, Martin Ferguson, Terry Johnson, Tom McDonald, Laurie Carmichael, Greg Sword, Colin Cooper, Cassandra Parkinson, and Joe De Bruyn; from the Trade Development Council, Ted Wilshire and Terry Counihan. Department of Trade, Australia Reconstructed, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1987, p. vi. The union contingent represented a careful balance of left, centre and right-wing factional leaders and activists.
TDC-ACTU Mission to Western Europe: Overview, not dated.
Committee of Review, op. cit., pp. 171–2.
See also Department of Employment and Industrial Relations, Policy Discussion Paper, Industrial Democracy and Employee Participation, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1986, for the fleshing out of this case, pp. 35–47.
The American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organisations has come up with some similar recommendations in its important report, The Changing Situation of Workers and Their Unions (1985). It is surprising that no mention is made of it in Australia Reconstructed.
Prime Minister, Speech to 1987 ACTU Congress, p. 6.
Australian Financial Review, 17 September, 1987, p. 6. See also the Confederation of Australian Industry, Employer Perspectives on the ACTU/TDC Report ‘Australia Reconstructed’, not dated.
See Business Council Bulletin, 37, August/September 1987, pp. an earlier Bulletin, 28 October 1986 was dedicated to the report of a BCA Study Mission to Sweden. The report was designed to undermine the widely reported, favourable impressions of Sweden brought back by the ACTU/TDC Mission.
On this, see Speech by the Minister for Industrial Relations to 1987 ACTU Congress, p. 15.
See E. M. Davis, ‘Unions and wages: ACTU federal unions’ conference, November 1986’, Australian Quarterly, 59, 1, 1987, pp. 4–14.
See for instance, Workers News, 8 September 1987, p. 1 and The Guardian, 9 September 1987, p. 1.
Davis E. M.. 1987. . The 1987 ACTU Congress: Reconstructing Australia? . Journal of Industrial Relations . , Vol. 30((1))