H. Shaiken, Work Transformed: Automation and Labor in the Computer Age, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1985.
Noble D. F.. 1986. . Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation . , New York : : Oxford University Press. .
cf. K. Legge, Power, Innovation, and Problem-Solving In Personnel Management, McGraw Hill, London, 1978; J. Child, Organisation: A Guide to Problems and Practice, Harper & Row, London, 1984.
G. W. Ford, ‘Australia at risk: a crisis of skills’ in R.D. Lansbury and J. Ryan (eds), New Directions for Australian Industrial Relations, Labour-Management Studies Program, Macquarie University, Sydney, 1986.
Foucault M.. 1979. . Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison . , New York : : Vintage. .
cf. T.J. Peters and R.H. Waterman, In Search of Excellence, Harper & Row, New York, 1982; D. Limerick, B. Cunnington, and B. Trevor-Roberts, Frontiers of Excellence, Australian Institute of Management, Brisbane, 1984.
Sillitoe A.. 1960. . Saturday Night and Sunday Morning . , p. 24 London : : Pan. .
For a much more concise book that advances a thesis that has some similarities to Zuboff's, but from a UK perspective, see B. Wilkinson, The Shopfloor Politics of New Technology, Heinemann, London, 1983.
E.g., H. Beynon, Working for Ford, Penguin, Harmondsworth, (2nd edition), 1984.
See G.J. Bamber and R.D. Lansbury (eds), New Technology: International Perspectives on Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Unwin Hyman, London, 1989, e.g., chs. by Heller, Graversen, Davis and Lansbury.
McGregor D.. 1960. . The Human Side of Enterprise . , New York : : McGraw-Hill. .
Burns T. and Stalker G. M.. 1961. . The Management of Innovation . , London : : Tavistock. .
Herzberg F.. 1968. . Work and the Nature of Man . , London : : Staples. .
Fox A.. 1974. . Beyond Contract: Work, Power and Trust Relations . , London : : Faber. .
Friedman A. L.. 1977. . Industry and Labour: Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism . , London : : Macmillan. .
Edwards R.. 1979. . Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century . , New York : : Basic Books. .
Piore M. J. and Sabel C. F.. 1984. . The Second Industrial Divide . , New York : : Basic Books. .
Kern H. and Schumann M.. 1987. . Limits of the division of labour: new production and employment concepts in West German industry. . Economic and Industrial Democracy . , Vol. 8:: 151––70. .
Australian Commonwealth Department of Industrial Relations, Workplace Change, 3, July 1989 (special issue Award restructuring: the way ahead’). On the background context to the award restructuring campaign, see Australian Commonwealth Department of trade, Australia Reconstructed: ACTU/TDC Mission to Western Europe, Australian Government Publishing Servce, Canberra, 1987. Also see E.M. Davis, R.F. Elliot and A.D. Shulman, Australia reconstructed: a symposium’ in Prometheus, 6, 1, 1988, pp. 150–73.
Bamber G. J.. 1990. . Flexible work organisation: Inferences from Britain and Australia. . Asia-Pacific Human Resource Management . , Vol. 28((3)): 28––44. .