A science shop is an agency for the promotion of socially relevant research. It links members of the general community with researchers in the natural, social and other sciences. Australia's first science shop, the Wisenet Science Shop, opened in Canberra in February 1988. This report is a summary of its operation and achievements. Comparisons are made with science shops in Europe, particularly the well-documented Amsterdam Science Shop. The Wisenet Science Shop operated for more than a year on less than $20,000. Despite minimal publicity and promotion, it demonstrated that there is a demand in the community for this type of service and enthusiasm among researchers for the concept.
T. Ades, ‘Holland's science shops for ‘made-to-measure’ research’, Nature, 281, 1979, pp. 519–20; D. Dickson, ‘Science shops flourish in Europe’, Science, 223, 1984, pp. 1158–60; D. Nelkin and A. Rip, ‘Distributing expertise: a Dutch experiment in public interest science’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 35, May, 1979, pp. 20–3 & 54.
Ibid.; J. Stewart, ‘Science shops in France --- a personal view’, Science as Culture, 2, 1988, pp. 52–74; J. Turney, ‘Science on the shelves as Belfast goes shopping’, Times Higher Education, 26 June 1987.
Dickson, ibid.
Ades, ibid.; Nelkin and Rip, ibid.
Ades, ibid.
R. Zaal and L. Leydesdorff, ‘Amsterdam Science Shop and its influence on university research: the effects of 10 years of dealing with non-academic questions’, Science and Public Policy, 14, 1987, pp. 310–6.
Stewart, ibid.
The co-ordinator and the three longest serving members of the team have co-authored this paper.
These are the same as the criteria used by the Amsterdam Science Shop. See Ades, ibid.; Dickson, ibid.; Nelkin and Rip, ibid.; Zaal and Leydesdorff, ibid.; L. Leydesdorff, A. Teulings and P. Ulenbelt, ‘Trade union participation in university research policies’, International Journal of Institutional Management in Higher Education, 8, 1984, pp. 135–46; and L. Leydesdorff, ‘The Amsterdam Science Shop and its effects on science’, paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Wissenstransfers, 19-20 September 1985, Frankfurt a.M., German Federal Republic, in G. Eckerle (ed.), Forschung, Wissensanwendung und Partizipation, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1986.
Zaal and Leydesdorff, ibid.; Leydesdorff, ibid.
Leydesdorff, ibid.
Leydesdorff, Teulings and Ulenbelt, ibid.
Zaal and Leydesdorff, ibid.
Stewart, ibid.
Leydesdorff, ibid.
Ades, ibid.; Dickson, ibid.
Zaal and Leydesdorff, ibid.; Leydesdorff, ibid.
Leydesdorff, Teulings and Ulenbelt, ibid.