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      Older Persons and the Cuban Reform Process



            Cubans are living longer, which combined with a low birth rate, has reduced the proportion of the population in the work force. This adversely affects the economy, which is one reason government has introduced major structural reforms. This article presents data from a qualitative study of 35 older persons (60+ years of age) who were asked about the reform process and its impact on their lives. This process has important implications for the fast growing older population many of whom are disproportionately affected by the hardships of life, receive pensions on which they cannot live, reside in overcrowded homes, and suffer shortages in food and transport. Most respondents reported they support the reforms, even though they involve a reduction of social benefits (e.g., food subsidies). Policy makers should consider older persons' views about the reforms, because a reduction of benefits might make it more difficult for many older persons' to meet basic needs.


            Author and article information

            International Journal of Cuban Studies
            Pluto Journals
            Spring 2014
            : 6
            : 1
            : 9-24
            Yeshiva University, USA
            © International Institute for the Study of Cuba

            All content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Articles published in the journal are distributed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

            Academic Articles

            Literary studies,Arts,Social & Behavioral Sciences,History,Cultural studies,Economics
            Cuba,qualitative research,older persons,structural reform,social benefits,socialism


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