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      Muslims in Canada: Collective Identities, Attitudes of Otherment and Canadian Muslim Perspectives on Radicalism

      Islamophobia Studies Journal
      Pluto Journals


            This paper is based on a larger Master of Arts thesis that explores the collective identity of Muslims in Canada, and how their experiences as part of a religious minority have shaped their collective identity. It also explores attitudes of otherment, out-group suspicion, and how disenfranchisement among certain individuals may result in a distortion of the Islamic religion. For the purposes of this paper the following will be explored: perceptions of the efforts of the Canadian state to integrate Muslims, the existence of Islamophobia among Canadians in general, and the potential disenfranchisement and vulnerability of Muslim youth to radicalization. The collaborative role that Muslims must take alongside agents of the Canadian state (i.e., Canadian police forces) in order to prevent radicalism is also examined. The research relies primarily on in-depth interviews with five individual Muslims of various ages and backgrounds who were born in Canada as second-generation immigrants and have become Canadian citizens. Their opinions on the role of the Muslim community in preventing radicalism in the Canadian context are explored and contextualized.


            Author and article information

            Islamophobia Studies Journal
            Pluto Journals
            Fall 2015
            : 3
            : 1
            : 44-61
            University of Victoria
            © Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project, Center for Race and Gender, University of California, Berkeley

            All content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Articles published in the journal are distributed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.


            Social & Behavioral Sciences


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