Journal of Global Faultlines
Volume 11, Number 1, May 2024
Produced and distributed by Pluto Journals
ISSN: 2054-2089 (Print) 2397-7825 (Online) Volume 11, Number 1
Journal of Global Faultlines
Table of Contents
Editorial: The human cost of war: Keeping track of the death toll on war zones 3
Lily Hamourtziadou
War crimes and questions on justice in asymmetric warfare: The case of Iraq 11
Lily Hamourtziadou and Leon Skerritt
Embedded journalism as a strategic enabler in US contentious foreign policy-making domestic legitimization: Evidence from the 2003 invasion of Iraq 27
Clara Margotin
Silent power, audible impunity: A constructivist analysis of the atrocities of Abu Ghraib and Camp Breadbasket 54
Hollie Dales
The conflict in Northern Ireland: A soldier’s insight 66
Jon Hyslop and Jonathan Jackson
The politicization of militarization: Examining military contributions to British policing 71
Bethany McCarthy, Adam Stokes, and Jonathan Jackson
Voices from Ukraine 83
Introduction by Jonathan Jackson and Lily Hamourtziadou
War and displacement: My family story 87
Peter Lawrence
The “National Question” revisited: Moldova and the crisis of the modern liberal state 95
Darrell Whitman
COVID-19, global public health justice, and the culture of organized irresponsibility 103
Roberto Catello
The Tree of Knowledge still bears fruit 121
Rajmil Fischman
Editorial Team
Bülent Gökay, Keele University (Founding Editor)
Ilia Xypolia, University of Aberdeen (Reviews Editor)
Moran Mandelbaum, Keele University (Associate Editor)
Lily Hamourtziadou, Birmingham City University (Special Issues Editor)
Members of the Editorial Board:
Vassilis Fouskas, University of East London (Chair of the Editorial Board)
Darrell Whitman, Davis-California (Contributing Editor)
Phil Catney, Keele University
Farzana Shain, Keele University
Rachel Turner, Keele University
John Bale, Keele University
Tim Doyle, University of Adelaide
Gilbert Achcar, SOAS, London University
Radhika Desai, University of Manitoba
Sanjay Chaturvedi, Panjab University
Thais Maingon, Universidad Central De Venezuela
Tunc Aybak, Middlesex University
Francisco Dominguez, Middlesex University
Binoy Kampmark, RMIT University, Melbourne
Mervyn O’Driscoll, University College Cork
Nong Van Dan (M.D. Bui), National Economics University, Hanoi
Emre Iseri, Yasar University, Izmir
Oguz Dilek, Keele University
Hasan Al-Momani, University of Jordan
Peshawa Mohammed, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan
Nazariah Osman, Universiti Utara Malaysia
Sameena Dalwai, O.P. Jindal Global University, India
Rajdeep Pakanati, O.P. Jindal Global University, India
Mustafa Yasacan, Keele University
Mustafa Demir, Keele University